BUGS Family Newsletter, Sept. 22

Message from the Family Coordinator

Dear BUGS Families, 

As we conclude our fourth week of school, I'm excited to share that students have easily settled into the new school year. Last week marked our first PTA meeting of 2023-24 and the launch of Hispanic Heritage Month. 

I would like to begin by saying thank you all for the patience and support I have received as the Family & Operations Coordinator at BUGS. It has been an honor and privilege to be part of BUGS and to get to know you and your students. BUGS would not be the same without the amazing families. Unfortunately, this will be my last letter to you in this role as it is my last day at BUGS before moving on to pursue a career in operations.It has really been an amazing journey and I hope to keep in touch. 


Moving forward, I wanted to provide you with a quick overview of where to find answers to your questions.

Please send general inquiry emails to info@bugsbrooklyn.org


If you have any specific questions about the following please feel free to email:


Phone calls will be temporarily directed to other main office personnel.


For Family-facing workshops or PTA meetings please email the BUGS PTA at bugspta@gmail.com or bugsptaexecboard@googlegroups.com


BUGS is recruiting to fill the role of Family Engagement Coordinator and if you know of any exceptional candidates, please forward the following link to have them apply online: https://www.bugsbrooklyn.org/careers. BUGS will notify the community when the new Family Engagement Coordinator is hired. 

Warmest regards and thank you again for your support.

Topics covered in this newsletter include:

  • Curriculum Night 2023

  • Asynchronous Day on September 29 (only staff in the building)

  • October Field Study

  • Brooklyn Community Harvest Festival

  • Family Income Inquiry Form 

If you have any questions please feel free to email info@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Kevin Peñaloza

Family & Operations Coordinator

Curriculum Night- September 28, 2023 (Thursday) 

We look forward to welcoming our families to BUGS for Curriculum Night. During the evening you will follow an abbreviated version of your student’s schedule and experience a day in the life of your BUG'S student. Please note that due to space limitations, the program is for adult caregivers only. Please arrange for your student and their siblings to stay at home.



Arrive at Curriculum Night with this information. You can ask your student for the info or find it in TeacherEase.

  • Cohort Number

  • Advisory Number

  • Advisor Name


Curriculum Night Details:

  • Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023 

  • Time: 4:45 pm  - 7:30 pm


Evening Schedule

Reminder: Asynchronous Day on September 29th

On Asynchronous Days there are no in-person classes to allow for staff professional development and curriculum planning. 

On Asynchronous days students are not onsite and must remain home. 

Students will be provided with assignments on Google Classroom to complete independently. Keep in mind that teachers will be engaged in professional development sessions and can only respond during breaks in the PD schedule. Students must complete the online attendance form to be marked present for the day.

Please see the family calendar here for additional asynchronous dates.


Field Study, October 6th, 2023

Important Info for Families:

The first Field Study of the 2023-24 school year is on Friday, October 6, 2023.  Field Studies are all-day interdisciplinary explorations that are related to what students are learning, and may entail research and data gathering, or community project implementation.

Please stay tuned for an email from Ms. Laura Karlen for more details.

Reminders about Field Study

  • Students should arrive on time to avoid missing their grades depature from BUGS.  

  • Please avoid scheduling any early departures as students will be in different off-site locations. 


Friendly reminder of the BUGS dismissal expectations for all Field Trips and Field Study outings.

  • All BUGS students Must return to the BUGS campus to be dismissed from field trips or field study outings/venues.

  • Students are not allowed to self-dismiss from field trips or field study outings/venues.

  • Students are not allowed to be picked up by family/friends from field trips or field study outings/venues.

  • Students who arrive late or need to be picked up/leave before the trip return time will remain at school for that day. The student will remain at BUGS and work will be provided for them. 

Thank you for your support and understanding as we strive to keep our students and staff safe to and from field trips/field study outings.

8th Grade Math Curriculum Overview Meeting

Thank you to all the 8th-grade families who attended last night's 8th Grade Math Curriculum Overview meeting with Principal Wynette and Assistant Principal of STEAM Sade Martinez.

Due to technical difficulties, we were unable to record the meet. 

Please see below the presentation slide deck:

If you have any questions please reach out to Principal Wynette at wynette.caesar@bugsbrooklyn.org or Assistant Principal Sade Martinez sade.martinez@bugsbrooklyn.org

Join Us! BUGS Brooklyn Community Harvest Festival, Oct 14, 12-3pm

Enjoy family friendly activities for a greener and healthier community and celebrate BUGS 10 years of educating for sustainability at our Brooklyn Community Harvest Festival on October 14 from 12-3pm. There will be arts & crafts, STEM activities, and music, dance and games provided by our own Mr. Kid. Admission is free and the event is open to the general public.

 Help us spread the word! Click here for a flier in English and Spanish.

Other Ways to Get Involved

Attendance Policy & Notification 

The Attendance Team asks families to use the following email address, attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org, for any attendance related information, including notification of absences, early dismissal, and any documentation needed for excused absences. Please visit our school attendance page to review more information about BUGS attendance policies and FAQ. 

Health & Safety 

  • We have COVID home test kits available if you need them. Students can pick them up in the main office and they are available in most classrooms, or email covid@BUGSbrooklyn.org. Note that students are not allowed to self-administer COVID tests while at school.

  • If your child has allergies or medical needs, please reach out to our School Nurse, Cheryl John. She can be reached at 718-280-9556 x437 or by calling the BUGS main office.



Family Income Inquiry Form (Meal Form)

Please take a few minutes today and complete the online form (formerly known as the NYC School Meal form). Completion of the form is critical to our funding, and every family must complete the form each year, even if you don’t think you qualify for free or reduced price lunch, or your child doesn't eat school meals. 


Yearly Field Study / Technology / School Supply Fee 

This payment of $100 now supports not only our field study program and technology maintenance fees for the entire school year, but also school supplies! Families should pay online in TeacherEase (log in, click the Fees button, and then General, under Accounts), or send the school a check made payable to Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (not BUGS). 

If you qualify for Free or Reduced Price Meals as indicated in your submitted Family Income Inquiry Form, this fee will automatically be waived for the 2023-24 school year. 


Label your student’s Uniforms! 

Please (please, please!) put your child’s name in their uniforms - especially sweatshirts and outerwear. All BUGS Hoodies look exactly the same! We want to return lost uniforms to students but we can’t if they aren’t labeled. 



On Saturday, September 23rd, 12pm – 5:00pm, Help Create Roving Gardens at The KoKo Lot for NYC Climate Week using found and recycled materials. Learn about how gardens- even small ones- can make a difference in our communities and help resolve food injustice!! This is a  free workshop for families, no registration is needed. Just drop by The KoKo Lot, 440 19th Street, Brooklyn, NY.


Urban Advantage

Please see attached Urban Advantage flier about their Family Science Days.

BUGS Family Newsletter, June 7th

Message from the Family Coordinator

Dear BUGS Families, 

We hope you stay safe and check for air quality updates over the next few days.

This month we celebrate our graduating Class of 2023 and their successes and also welcome our incoming Class of 2025. On behalf of the team at BUGS, we also wanted to say thank you to the PTA and our families for all the love and support this year..

Interested in donating back lightly used uniforms? Please bring them to BUGS beginning on Monday, June 12. Thanks! Important Reminders:

  • There will be No School on June 8th & June 9th due to Staff Professional Development Days.

  • 6th & 7th Grade Students will dismiss at 1:00 pm on June 14th & June 15th.

    • Eligible 8th Grade students will take the Living Environment Regents, and Algebra 1 Regents on those days. 

  •  As we quickly approach the end of the school year, please remind your students to stay on task with turning in any outstanding or late assignments by June 16th for grading. 

  • There is No School on June 19th to celebrate Juneteenth.  

  • There will be 1:00 pm dismissal on June 20th, June 21st, and June 22st.

    • On June 20th eligible 8th Grade Students who are sitting for the Spanish Language Proficiency exam will have a different schedule. 

  • As a reminder, looking ahead: The BUGS school year begins before Labor Day and attendance is required. BUGS students are expected to return to school the week before Labor Day and attendance is required. Please plan your vacations accordingly as these are considered unexcused absences if students are not present. More information to come about the first day of school. 

Please read the newsletter in its entirety, and as always if you have any questions email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Kevin Peñaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator

Reminder for all Families Regarding Academics:

As we quickly approach the end of the school year, please remind your students to stay on task and  turn in any outstanding or late assignments for grading by the June 16th deadline.  To view missing assignments please check TeacherEase.

As a reminder, students may be retained in their current grade level or mandated to complete a summer plan/school for the following reasons: 

  • Earned a D+ (1.75-1.99) average or below in core classes (math, science, social studies, reading, writing) in the 8th Grade

  • Earned a D+ (1.75-1.99) average or below in reading, writing and math in 6th & 7th Grade. 

You may also find more information  in our Family Handbook located here: 

BUGS 6th & 7th Grade End-of-Year Trips 

Please click here to sign the permission slip which is due Friday, 6/9/2023.

BUGS has organized end-of-year trips for our 6th and 7th grade students on Friday, June 23, 2023 to celebrate all their hard work and accomplishments!. Please see below for trip information. 

6th & 7th Grade End-of-Year Trip

  • Date: Friday, June 23, 2023

  • Time: 8:15am - 2:45pm** 

    • (dismissal upon return to BUGS - 2:15pm at the earliest)

  • Location: Pier 2 Roller Skating Rink, Brooklyn Bridge Pier 2, 150 Furman Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201

  • Coordinators:

  • Transportation: Subway (Train Passes)

  • Meals: Lunch (pizza + drink) will be provided. Students may pack additional lunch/snacks! 

  • Cost: FREE this year! (Thanks to the BUGS PTA!)

Activities: Students will be able to choose from many activities during the day: Basketball, soccer, bocce, handball, shuffleboard, hopscotch, and foursquare.  Students may also roller skate if they sign up on this slip.


* Students must wear their uniform, close-toed shoes, and bring a water bottle. We recommend they bring a hat and sunscreen. 

* Students may bring their own soccer balls, basketballs, cards, or other games to play at Pier 2. 

Thank you for your support and should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org

 PTA Corner: Upcoming Events

The BUGS PTA needs you!

Please join the BUGS PTA for their last meeting of the school year on June 15th. Meet information below:

Please join the PTA KONSTELLA community here:


We also have a Facebook group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/435224245339197

Join our PTA Executive Committee! 

The BUGS PTA EC helps parents stay sane and navigate family-life in NYC with friendships, guest speakers, and resources. We provide community picnics, dances, potlucks, basketball team uniforms, school uniforms to incoming 6th graders, guest speakers, and more. This is an all-volunteer thing and truly, the more the merrier.  

6th and 7th Grade Sustainability Community Action Project Open Classroom June 22nd, 10-11AM 

6th grade will host an Open Classroom titled “Community Fair” in which they will apply skills learned in all of their content area classes to create informational booths, local produce stands, and BUGS garden tours for the community. Please complete the 6th grade google form linked here if you plan to attend. More details to come.

7th grade will host an Open Classroom titled “Blue Schools Design Challenge '' in which students will apply skills learned in all of their content area classes to present their group’s redesign of the school building featuring a green infrastructure to divert stormwater from the sewage system. Please complete the 7th grade google form linked here if you plan to attend. 

More details to come. 

External Resources 

  •  Have thoughts on District 15’s Diversity Plan for schools? The Department of Education is running a survey through 6/15 to collect community feedback on this important educational diversity program. Be sure to check it out!

  • KoKo NYC is hosting a free two-day printmaking workshop for youth in 5th through 8th grade on 6/17 and 6/18. Check out more details and register here.

  • NYC DOT is conducting community outreach to understand how the Beverley Road Open Street is used and how the community wants to see this new public space evolve in the future! Take this short survey to share your feedback and ideas for the Beverley Road Open Street – the survey will remain open until 6/30.

  • Are you above 60? Get fit while having fun at the Park Slope Center for Successful Aging’s Latin Rhythms Dance Class. The Latin Rhythms Dance class includes seated warmups, fundamental steps, and an introduction to different rhythmic styles like tango, salsa, bachata, and cumbia. The class is offered every Wednesday from 11 AM - 12 PM through 6/28.

  •   Interested in outdoor movies this summer? Rooftop Films is bringing film festivals and crowd favorites to outdoor venues in and around District 39 all summer long! Check out their calendar to grab your tickets for an upcoming show.

  Check out Lincoln Center’s Summer for the City for free music, dancing, and social events!

BUGS Family Newsletter, May 23rd

Message from the Family Coordinator

Dear BUGS Families, 

Hope you are well and enjoying the Spring weather. 

Thank you to all of our families who attended our Lisa Damour event and made it a successful night. Click here for more about the event, including photos.  Reminder! Order any of Lisa Damour’s books with Community Bookstore/Terrace Books before May 31 and receive a 10% discount and the bookstore will also donate 10% of each sale to BUGS. Click HERE to order and use code BUGS23 at checkout. 

I would like to thank our PTA Board, Ms.Sunny Jo, Ms.Yael Utt, and Ms. Liliana Marquez for their support with staff appreciation week and for giving our teachers a ray of sunshine. 

Important Reminders:

  •  As we quickly approach the end of the school year please remind your students to stay on task with turning in any outstanding or late assignments by June 16th for grading. 

  • As a reminder, BUGS students are expected to return to school the week before labor day and attendance is required. Please plan your vacations accordingly as these are considered unexcused absences if students are not present. More information to come about the first day of school. 

Here's some news you can use  about upcoming events: 

  • May 24th - May 25th: Endline Exams 

  • May 26th: Field Study Day

  • May 29th: Memorial Day- School is Closed

  • June 2nd: BUGS Spring Talent Showcase

  • June 8th - June 9th: No School- Staff Professional Development 

Please also review the BUGS School Calendar on our website here:

Please read the newsletter in its entirety, and as always if you have any questions please feel free to email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Kevin Peñaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator

PTA Corner: Upcoming Events

The BUGS PTA needs you!

Please join the PTA KONSTELLA community here:


We also have a Facebook group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/435224245339197

Join our PTA Executive Committee! 

The BUGS PTA EC helps parents stay sane and navigate family-life in NYC with friendships, guest speakers, and resources. We provide community picnics, dances, potlucks, basketball team uniforms, school uniforms to incoming 6th graders, guest speakers, and more. This is an all-volunteer thing and truly, the more the merrier.  

Donate to the PTA !

The PTA is still in pandemic recovery mode and currently operating in the red. If you have not donated your yearly dues, please donate here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=3AH2WCGK9YCE8

 We’re also accepting donations of appropriate items and services to include as raffle prizes. 


 Sunday, June 4th, 4pm, BUGS Bowling at Melody Lanes! RSVP via Konstella and see announcement on Konstella. 

BUGS Interim Assessments (Endline Exams)

BUGS uses Interim Assessment (Baseline, Midline, and Endline) data from core content areas  (Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Sustainability) to inform instruction and curriculum implementation, For the 2022-23 school year interim assessment grades are entered as a formative grade in the gradebook. There are no office hours during Endline Exams.

The Endline assessment (Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, & Sustainability) administration dates are as follows: 

  • Wednesday, May 24

  • Thursday, May 25

Please ensure that your students are in attendance for all of these assessments. These BUGS internal assessments are not optional or “opt-in/out.” The Endline Exams are added to the gradebook as formative assessment grades. 

Please avoid scheduling any appointments or early departures on testing days.

Reminder for all Families in regards to Academics:

As we quickly approach the end of the school year, please remind your students to stay on task with turning in any outstanding or late assignments by June 16th for grading. 

As a reminder, students may be retained in their current grade level or mandated to complete a summer plan/school for the following reasons: 

  • Earned a D+(1.75-1.99) average or below in core classes (math, science, social studies, reading, writing) in the 8th Grade

  • Earned a D+ (1.75-1.99) average or below in reading, writing and math in the 6th & 7th Grade. 

You may also find this in our Family Handbook located here: 

Field Study on May 26th

Important Info for Families

  • 6th grade will swap field study activities and sites from April. Sections 601/604 will visit the Sunset Park Rooftop Farm and will take an educational tour of Industry City and 602/603 will participate in native plant restoration at Greenwood Cemetery and take care of local street trees

  • 7th grade will visit the Harbor School with the Billion Oyster Project on Govenor’s Island.

  • 8th grade will take a mock Living Environment Regents test in the morning and have a Field Day at Prospect Park in the afternoon.

  • Students should arrive on time to avoid missing their grade’s departure time. 

  • Please avoid scheduling early departures as students will be at off-site locations.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the IS Coordinators or Sustainability Program Manager:

June 2nd, BUGS Spring Talent Showcase

BUGS will be having our Spring Talent show on June 2nd from 6pm to 8pm in our Auditorium. Families are encouraged to attend and enjoy the wonderful performances by our students and staff. You are also invited to volunteer, support, or perform! Please contact Ms. Jasmine at jasmine.holloway@bugsbrooklyn.org for more information!


We have had very few COVID cases at BUGS this spring. Thank you all for being a part of that! To continue that trend, please continue to:

  • Test if anyone in your household is not feeling well

  • Keep your student home if they are not feeling well 

  • Have your student wear a mask at school if they have been exposed to someone with COVID

  • Let us know at covid@BUGSbrooklyn.org if your student tests positive

Note: We have plenty of rapid COVID tests at BUGS, so encourage your student to pick up a few if you need them at home. 

Support our Lisa Damour Event Sponsors

We are very grateful for the generous sponsors of our event “The Emotional Lives of Teenagers with Lisa Damour.” We invite you to learn more about them by clicking the links below.

IDB BANK: https://www.idbny.com/

Park Slope Parents: https://www.parkslopeparents.com/

ASNY (Accounting Solutions of NY): https://www.asnyinc.com/

Louis Green, Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager, UBS: https://advisors.ubs.com/louis.green/

The Brooklyn Studio: https://brooklyn.studio/

Bay Ridge Orthodontics: http://bayridgeorthodontics.com/

Extensis HR: https://extensishr.com/

The Short List: https://theshortlist.org/

Charter Technology Solutions (CTS): https://charterts.com/

Smith Street Workshop:http://www.smithstreetworkshop.com/

The Talk NYC: thetalknyc.com

External Resources 

Parent Tip 

Please see below family resource on social media and how to support your child:

  • https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/05/17/1176452284/teens-social-media-phone-habit

BUGS Family Newsletter, May 5th

Message from the Family Coordinator


Dear BUGS Families, 


Hope you are well and enjoying the Spring weather. 


We had a successful administration of the NY State ELA and Math Tests. We would like to thank our staff for supporting our students leading up to and during the exams. 


Important reminder! As we quickly approach the end of the school year please remind your students to stay on task with turning in any outstanding or late assignments by June 16th for grading. 


Here's some news you can use  about upcoming events: 

  • May 7th: BUGS PTA Brooklyn Cyclones Family Fundraiser

  • May 8th - 12th: Staff Appreciation Week

  • May 9th: BUGS Presents Lisa Damour and The Emotional Lives of Teenagers

  • May 11th- BUGS PTA General Meeting- The High School Process with High School Expert Joyce Szulfita

  • May 12th: Staff Professional Development Day - asynchronous for ALL students. 

  • May 24th - May 25th: Endline Exams 

  • May 26th: Field Study Day

  • May 29th: Memorial Day- School is Closed

  • June 2nd- BUGS Spring Talent Showcase


Please also review the BUGS School Calendar on our website here:


Please read the newsletter in its entirety, and as always if you have any questions please feel free to email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.



Kevin Peñaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator



Join us on May 9 at 6:30pm for a riveting evening of fresh insights, advice, and conversation with Lisa Damour, Ph.D., author of the newly released (and already a NY Times Bestseller) The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents.

Here’s how to be part of the program!

  1. Attend the event!! Tickets are $25 and are available at https://bit.ly/DamouratBUGS

  2. Become an event sponsor! Learn more here.

  3. Volunteer! If you can volunteer, please either email taralindiscorbell@gmail.com or sign up on the Konstella sign up sheet! https://www.konstella.com/app/school/6373d00b9b9869b0cd60d337/signups/63f0e3bfcf38fec600b62cfc


Friday, May 12th - Asynchronous Day for All Students

On Asynchronous Days there are no in-person classes and students will be provided with assignments on Google Classroom to complete independently. Keep in mind that teachers will be engaged in professional development sessions and can only respond via email during breaks in their PD schedule. Students must complete the attendance form to be marked present for the day.


PTA Corner: Upcoming Events

The BUGS PTA needs you!

Please join the PTA KONSTELLA community here:


We also need parents to join our PTA Executive Committee! 

The BUGS PTA EC helps parents stay sane and navigate family-life in NYC with friendships, guest speakers, and resources. We provide community picnics, dances, potlucks, basketball team uniforms, school uniforms to incoming 6th graders, guest speakers, and more. This is an all-volunteer thing and truly, the more the merrier.  

Donate to the PTA !

The PTA is still in pandemic recovery mode and currently operating in the red. If you have not donated your yearly dues, please donate here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=3AH2WCGK9YCE8

 We’re also accepting donations of appropriate items and services to include as raffle prizes. 



Brooklyn Cyclones vs. Aberdeen

Sunday, May 7th @ 2PM 

Cyclones Stadium at Coney Island

Tickets $15 can be bought here: https://fevo.me/3Tialrr

Baseball season has started! Come join us for this fun (and fundraising!) event with the Brooklyn Cyclones! Bring your friends, family, and Little League teams! If we sell 250+ tickets, a lucky BUGS participant will get to throw out the first pitch!


High School Application Overview and Process

& BUGS PTA General Meeting

Special Guest:  NYC High School Expert Joyce Szulfita

Thursday, May 11th


Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86455864078?pwd=S0xrbzYxMmdUcXRzSE4vUVg2aDEvZz09

Suggested $5 donation for this talk:



BUGS Interim Assessments (Endline Exams)

BUGS uses Interim Assessment (Baseline, Midline, and Endline) data from core content areas  (Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Sustainability) to inform instruction and curriculum implementation, For the 2022-23 school year interim assessment grades are entered as a formative grade in the gradebook.

The Endline assessment (Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, & Sustainability) administration dates are as follows: 

  • Wednesday, May 24

  • Thursday, May 25

Please ensure that your students are in attendance for all of these assessments. These are the BUGS internal assessments and are not optional or “opt-in/out.” The Endline Exams are added to the gradebook as formative assessment grades. 

Please avoid scheduling any appointments or early departures on testing days.


Reminder for all Families in regards to Academics:

As we quickly approach the end of the school year please remind your students to stay on task with turning in any outstanding or late assignments by June 16th for grading. 

As a reminder, students may be retained in their current grade level or mandated to complete a summer plan/summer school for the following reasons: 

  • Earned a D+(1.75-1.99) average or below in core classes (math, science, social studies, reading, writing) in the 8th Grade

  • Earned a D+ (1.75-1.99) average or below in reading, writing and math in the 6th & 7th Grade. 


You may also find this in our Family Handbook located here: 


Staff/TeacherAppreciation Week

Staff/Teacher Appreciation week is May 8 - May 12. Here at BUGS, we would like to show our appreciation of our BUGS Staff with gifts, food and different activities they can indulge in for that week. If anyone would like to support us in celebrating our wonderful staff by donating food, funds, or speciality services (ex.beauty, selfcare, wellness, mindfulness)  that would be greatly appreciated. Contact me about donations or suggestions at  kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org


Field Study on May 26th

Important Info for Families

  • 6th grade will swap field study activities and sites from April. 601/604 will visit the Sunset Park Rooftop Farm and will take an educational tour of Industry City and 602/603 will participate in native plant restoration at Greenwood Cemetery and take care of local street trees

  • 7th grade will visit the Harbor School with the Billion Oyster Project on Govenor’s Island.

  • 8th grade will take a mock Living Environment Regents test in the morning and have a Field Day at Prospect Park in the afternoon.

  • Students should arrive on time to avoid missing their grade’s departure time 

  • Please avoid scheduling any early departures as students will be in different off-site locations.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the IS Coordinators or Sustainability Program Manager:


June 2nd, BUGS Spring Talent Showcase

BUGS will be having our Spring Talent show on June 2nd from 6pm to 8pm in our Auditorium. Families are encouraged to attend and enjoy the various performances by our students and staff. You are also invited to volunteer, support, or perform! Please contact Ms. Jasmine at jasmine.holloway@bugsbrooklyn.org for more information!



We have had very few COVID cases at BUGS this spring. Thank you all for being a part of that! To continue that trend, please continue to:

  • Test if anyone in your household is not feeling well

  • Keep your student home if they are not feeling well 

  • Have your student wear a mask at school if they have been exposed to someone with COVID

  • Let us know at covid@BUGSbrooklyn.org if your student tests positive

Note: We have plenty of rapid COVID tests at BUGS, so encourage your student to pick up a few if you need them at home. 


External Resources 

Tree Giveaways Event

The New York Restoration Project will be giving out free trees please more information in the link below: 

  • https://www.nyrp.org/en/get-involved/tree-giveaways/?utm_source=nyrp%20full%20email%20list&utm_campaign=309600b9ee-newsletter_november_2019_copy_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1b630c4a5b-309600b9ee-143207458

BUGS Family Newsletter, April 20th

Message from the Family Coordinator


Dear BUGS Families, 


Hope you are well and enjoying the spring weather. 


We had a successful Day 1 & Day 2 of ELA State Testing and are looking forward to the Math State Test. 


Here's some news you can use  about upcoming events: 

  • April 21st: Eid al-Fitr- No School

  • April 28th: Field Study 

  • May 2 & May 3rd: NY State Math Tests (1pm dismissal on both days)

  • May 7th: BUGS PTA Brooklyn Cyclones Family Fundraiser

  • May 8 - 12: Staff Appreciation Week

  • May 9th: BUGS Presents Lisa Damour and The Emotional Lives of Teenagers

  • May 12th: Teacher professional development day - asynchronous for ALL students. 


I wanted to also give a shout out to our awesome BUGS PTA for their success on their recent PTA Movie night. 


Please read the newsletter in its entirety, and as always if you have any questions please feel free to email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.



Kevin Peñaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator



Join us on May 9 at 6:30pm for a riveting evening of fresh insights, advice, and conversation with Lisa Damour, Ph.D., author of the newly released (and already a NY Times Bestseller) The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents.

Here’s how to be part of the program!

  1. Attend the event!! Tickets are $25 and are available at https://bit.ly/DamouratBUGS

  2. Become an event sponsor! Learn more here.

  3. Volunteer! If you can volunteer, please either email taralindiscorbell@gmail.com or sign up on the Konstella sign up sheet! https://www.konstella.com/app/school/6373d00b9b9869b0cd60d337/signups/63f0e3bfcf38fec600b62cfc


PTA Corner: Upcoming Events

The BUGS PTA needs you!

Please join the PTA KONSTELLA community here:


We also need parents to join our PTA Executive Committee! 

The BUGS PTA EC helps parents stay sane and navigate family-life in NYC with friendships, guest speakers, and resources.  We provide community picnics, dances, potlucks, basketball team uniforms, school uniforms to incoming 6th graders, guest speakers, and more.  This is an all-volunteer thing and truly, the more the merrier.  

Donate to the PTA !

The PTA is still in pandemic recovery mode and currently operating in the red. If you have not donated your yearly dues, please donate here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=3AH2WCGK9YCE8

 We’re also accepting donations of appropriate items and services to include as raffle prizes. 



Brooklyn Cyclones vs. Aberdeen

Sunday, May 7th @ 2PM 

Cyclones Stadium at Coney Island

Tickets $15 can be bought here: https://fevo.me/3Tialrr

Baseball season has started! Come join us for this fun (and fundraising!) event with the Brooklyn Cyclones! Bring your friends, family, and Little League teams! If we sell 250+ tickets, a lucky BUGS participant will get to throw out the first pitch!



High School Application Overview and Process

& BUGS PTA General Meeting

Special Guest:  NYC High School Expert Joyce Szulfita

Thursday, May 11th


Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86455864078?pwd=S0xrbzYxMmdUcXRzSE4vUVg2aDEvZz09

Suggested $5 donation for this talk:



Field Study, Apr 28, 2023

Happy Earth Month! For the April 28 Field Study we will be getting back out into the field with the following Earth Month Field Study experiences:

6th grade will split up into two sites for the April field study and then swap for May 26. For April:

601 and 604 will be headed to an environmental education program at Greenwood Cemetery and learn about integrated pest management of the spotted lantern fly that is wreaking havoc on its world renowned arboretum. In addition they will be caring for street trees around BUGS. 

602 and 603 will head to Industry City in Sunset Park to learn about innovative urban farming with City Growers on their rooftop farm and explore urban revitalization and greening of old industrial areas in the Industry City complex.

7th grade will travel to Brooklyn Bridge Park and participate in choice activities analyzing the role of waterways in our city and how the study of clouds helps predict weather patterns.

8th grade will explore the NY Aquarium and learn about the role of the oceans in air quality and energy production. They will use photojournalism to capture their learning including a beach clean up. 


Staff/Teacher Appreciation Week

Staff/Teacher Appreciation week is May 8 - May 12. Here at BUGS, we would like to show our appreciation of our BUGS Staff with gifts, food and different activities they can indulge in for that week. If anyone would like to support us in celebrating our wonderful staff by donating food, funds, or speciality services (ex.beauty, selfcare, wellness, mindfulness)  that would be greatly appreciated you may contact the Family & Operations Coordinator at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org



NYC School Survey Deadline Extended to April 20th (TODAY!)

Every year, we ask all families, teachers, and staff and students to take the NYC School Survey. The survey gives school leaders a better understanding of what members of their school community think about their school. The information collected by the survey is designed to support a dialogue among all members of the school community about how to make the school a better place to learn.

The deadline to take the 2023 NYC School Survey has been extended to April 20 (today). PLEASE complete the survey if you haven’t yet done it. Thanks!

  • https://surveys.panoramaed.com/nycdoe/login


External Resources

DOE Summer Rising Program

Summer Rising 2023 is a partnership between New York City Public Schools and the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD). Summer Rising is free and available to all NYC students in grades K-8, pending seat availability. Beginning April 17, families can visit this webpage to apply for a Summer Rising seat.

Students in Summer Rising will have access to both academic and enrichment programming over the course of the day, including field trips, arts activities, and outdoor recreation. Programs will be full-day, in-person, and planned and operated collaboratively by school principals and community-based organizations (CBOs). The environment will be safe and supportive with staff prepared to respond to children’s social and emotional needs. Breakfast, lunch, and snack will be served. 

Camp Jump In 

Please see attached flier for Camp Jump In with timeline and dates for registration. 


Free Trees

Free Trees – New York Restoration Project is giving away native trees to anyone willing to plant them within the five boroughs for free throughout April and May. While the trees are free, the choices vary among locations, and registration is required.


Windsor Terrace Library 

Please see attached fliers from the Windsor Terrace Public Library and their recurring events during the week.

BUGS Family Newsletter, March 20th

Dear BUGS Families, 

Please see below for reminders for what is coming up in the next few weeks. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Kevin Penaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator

School Surveys (March 31st deadline)!

This is the time of year when both the DOE and our authorizer NYSED are reaching out for family feedback about BUGS.  Both surveys are required and important to helping us grow our learning community. We appreciate your taking the time to provide NYSED and DOE  your opinions and experiences with BUGS.

The deadline to complete both surveys is March 31st. 

DOE Survey: The link to the survey was sent in an email from me TODAY with the  Student ID Number.

NYSED Survey

BUGS Field Study 

Friendly reminder that this Friday, March 24th is a Field Study day for students. If you have any questions, please contact Ms.Laura Karlen at laura.karlen@bugsbrooklyn.org

Reminder! Time is running out for Friends and Family to Submit Lottery Applications for 2023-24 School Year

We would love to welcome middle schoolers you care about to BUGS. The deadline to submit applications for the lottery is April 1.  Please share our brochure . Please encourage friends and family to submit their applications ((here’s a link) to our brochure) at https://brooklynurbangardencharterschool.schoolmint.net.  


Join us on May 9 at 6:30pm for a riveting evening of fresh insights, advice, and conversation with Lisa Damour, Ph.D., author of the newly released (and already a NY Times Bestseller) The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents.

Here’s how to be part of the program!

  1. Attend the event!! Tickets are $25 and are available at https://bit.ly/DamouratBUGS

  2. Become an event sponsor! Learn more here.

  3. Volunteer! If you can volunteer, please either email taralindiscorbell@gmail.com or sign up on the Konstella sign up sheet! https://www.konstella.com/app/school/6373d00b9b9869b0cd60d337/signups/63f0e3bfcf38fec600b62cfc

PTA Updates & Events

The BUGS PTA needs you!

Please join our KONSTELLA community here:


We also need parents to join our PTA Executive Committee! 

The BUGS PTA EC helps parents stay sane and navigate family-life in NYC with friendships, guest speakers, and resources.  We provide community picnics, dances, potlucks, basketball team uniforms, school uniforms to incoming 6th graders, guest speakers, and more.  This is an all-volunteer thing and truly, the more the merrier.  

Donate to the PTA !

The PTA is still in pandemic recovery mode and currently operating in the red. If you have not donated your yearly dues, please donate here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=3AH2WCGK9YCE8

Donations in the month of March will be entered into a weekly raffle! Sign up for recurring monthly donations, and you’ll be entered 12 times!  We’re also accepting donations of appropriate items and services to include as raffle prizes. This week’s winner will win a subscription to Elissa Stein’s High School 411! A valuable resource and sanity saver in the High School Application process! 



Friday, March 31st, 5:30-7:30PM 

Location: BUGS 

Come enjoy some adult beverages and socialize with other families over pizza at the BUGS PTA Family Movie and Game Night! Movie and game rooms open for kids! Beverages and Silent Auction for parents! Feed the family for cheap with $2 a slice of pizza, $5 suggested donation for adult beverages.


In Celebration of National Reading Month, bring in and donate your used books to our book sale! $1 for a book to raise funds for school events! 

Please RSVP on Konstella. Note: this is not a drop off event for kids, but for families and parents. Childcare will not be provided. 

If you can volunteer for this event, please contact Kirstenkellyny@gmail.com

We are especially looking for volunteers with expertise in D & D and Settlers of Catan! 


Talking to Middle Schoolers about Sex 

& BUGS PTA General Meeting

Special Guest:  Sexuality Educator Rachel Lotus of The Talk, NYC

Thursday, April 20th 

6:30PM- 8PM 

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86455864078?pwd=S0xrbzYxMmdUcXRzSE4vUVg2aDEvZz09

Suggested $5 donation for this talk:



Brooklyn Cyclones vs. Aberdeen

Sunday, May 7th @ 2PM 

Cyclones Stadium at Coney Island

Tickets $15 can be bought here: https://fevo.me/3Tialrr

Baseball season has started! Come join us for this fun (and fundraising!) event with the Brooklyn Cyclones! Bring your friends, family, and Little League teams! If we sell 250+ tickets, a lucky BUGS participant will get to throw out the first pitch!


High School Application Overview and Process

& BUGS PTA General Meeting

Special Guest:  NYC High School Expert Joyce Szulfita

Thursday, May 11th


Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86455864078?pwd=S0xrbzYxMmdUcXRzSE4vUVg2aDEvZz09

Suggested $5 donation for this talk:


BUGS Family Newsletter, March 11th

Dear BUGS Families, 


Thank you so much for attending our Student-Led Conferences on Wednesday. It was a pleasure to see the high level of engagement and to welcome back all of our families to the building. By partnering together we can help our students achieve their academic and personal growth goals. 


We would like to give a big BUGS shoutout to the PTA Executive Board, Toshi Mochizuki, Susie Kravets, Tara Lindis Corbell, and Mara Schvarzstein for sustaining our staff with snacks and treats throughout the day.


We are also grateful to Terrace Bagels & Cafe as well as SYKO for nourishing our staff with delicious sustenance.


If you were unable to attend Student-Led Conferences and would like to schedule a time to meet with teachers, please reach out to them directly to arrange a mutually convenient date and time.


We would like to also welcome our new 6th-grade reading teacher, Dyllan Moran.  

Please also read the Family Newsletter in its entirety as it contains important information. 

 The BUGS Family Newsletters are posted on the BUGS Website and can be found here:


As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Kevin Penaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator


School Surveys!

This is the time of year when both the DOE and our authorizer NYSED are reaching out for family feedback about BUGS.  Both surveys are required and important to helping us grow our learning community. We appreciate your taking the time to provide NYSED and DOE with your opinions and experiences with BUGS.

The deadline to complete both surveys is March 31st. 

DOE Survey: The link to the survey was sent in an email from me on Friday with the Student ID Number.

NYSED Survey


Change to Office Hours on March 13th & March 14th

Please note that we will NOT be holding office hours on Monday, March 13th, and Tuesday, March 14th. 

Students will be dismissed at 2:45pm unless they are participating in afterschool.


Reminder! Encourage Friends and Family to Apply to BUGS

We would love to welcome middle schoolers you care about to BUGS. The deadline to submit applications for the lottery is April 1.  Please encourage friends and family to submit their applications now for the 2023-24 school year at https://brooklynurbangardencharterschool.schoolmint.net.  


Kindness Month at BUGS 

March is Kindness and Inclusion Month at BUGS! This is our 7th year celebrating Kindness and Inclusion Month! Of course, at BUGS we value the importance of kindness and inclusion every day. During the month of March, we highlight its importance and celebrate the benefits of being kind. Click here to see a quick video capturing the launch of Kindness Month.

Next week we begin our Kindness Month Spirit Week celebration!!! Please see the link below for all events that will be happening during BUGS Kindness Spirit Week:

 Traffic Safety at BUGS 

All BUGS students participated in a traffic safety lesson from the Department of Transportation educational arm. 

Please see the videos below from them on traffic safety:

BUGS Family Newsletter, February 17th

Dear BUGS Families,


On Wednesday, March 8th, we will be hosting our Student Led Conferences for  Semester 2. Families and students will have the opportunity to meet with teachers to gain an understanding of your student’s academic progress. 

Important Information about Student-Led Conferences

  • This is an in-person conference.

  • Each family is limited to 4 appointments (we recommend you prioritize subject areas in which your student is struggling).

  • Conference sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Conferences are a maximum of 8 minutes.

  • Appointments are available from 8:30 am to 7pm on March 8.

  • March 8 is asynchronous for students. Classes are NOT in session.

  • Students must attend the conferences. For students to attend, please enter your student email address during the registration process.

  • The deadline to register for conferences is March 6 at 6pm.


Event: Student-Led Conferences

Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Time: 8:30 am-7:00 pm 

~ To schedule your conferences CLICK HERE ~

Event Code: tncbe

*Reminder:March 8th (Wednesday) is an asynchronous day for students. 


Please note that the deadline to schedule your r conference registrations is 6pm on March 6th. The schedule will be closed after March 6th to provide teachers with time to prepare for each meeting. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment or have questions, email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org. Looking forward to seeing you there. 




Kevin Penaloza

Family & Operations Coordinator


Mid-Winter Recess

We hope you have a restful and relaxing break. School is not in session between February 20 - 24. We will see you back at BUGS on Monday, February 27. 

Black History Month Activities

During Black History Month, BUGS celebrates the contributions of our great Black Leaders, Inventors, Musicians, and Artists. Students have opportunities to participate in a variety of activities curated around our C.A.R.E.S values.

This month-long observance is an opportunity for BUGS to spotlight Black achievement, understand Black histories to provide context for the present, and learn about the people and organizations creating change. Some of the activities taking place include classroom showcases of books by Black authors, discussions about civil rights, door decorating, Black History month trivia, and teachers sharing stories and insights that bring Black history and Black culture to life in  unique, meaningful, and beautiful ways.

New Issue of Hornet Headlines

The February issue features articles such as BUGS boogeyman updates, comics and artists, this month's Spotlight Winners, and media news. Congrats to Violet B. on winning the logo contest.

Super Mash Bros Tournament 

Students are welcome to enter the Super Mash Ultimate Tournament on Mar 2, 2023. There is a $5 fee to compete with entry fees going to support 8th grade end-of-year activities.. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Malcolm at malcolm.eastman@bugsbrooklyn.org or see flier below. 

Final Virtual Info Session for Prospective Families is March 7

During break, please remember to  tell family and friends about why you love BUGS and encourage them to learn more about us at our Virtual Info Session on Tuesday, March 7 at 5:30pm. Families can register for the session and submit applications at www.BUGSbrooklyn.org/apply. The deadline to apply for the 2023-24 school year is April 1.

Semester 1 Celebration

Congratulations to students, staff, and families for a wonderful Semester 1 Celebration. It was great to have the BUGS community come together for our student awards ceremony and performances in celebration of our C.A.R.E.S values and academic achievements. Click here to watch highlights from the event and click here to watch the 8th grade CAPA performance of “I See Fire.” 

Friendship Dance

Congratulations to the PTA, parent volunteers, and the OSA team with a big shoutout to DJ Mr.Kid for an amazing Friendship Dance and Celebration for our students. Click here for a quick video snapshot of our students in motion.. 

External Resources 

High School Resources 

InsideSchools & NYC Admissions Solutions are proud to present this free webinar for 6th and 7th grade middle school families just starting the public high school admissions process please register below:

Calling All Charter Supporters

Join other NYC parents whose children are in charter schools at City Hall Park on Tuesday, March 7 at 10:30am. REGISTER NOW for the My Child, My Choice: Equity and Access for All Families Rally

NYC School Crossing Guard

If you are interested in becoming a School Crossing Guard please see information below:


Estimado BUGS Familias,

El miércoles 8 de marzo, organizaremos nuestras conferencias dirigidas por estudiantes para el semestre 2. Las familias y los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de reunirse con los maestros para comprender el progreso académico de su estudiante.

Información importante sobre conferencias dirigidas por estudiantes

  • Esta es una conferencia en persona.

  • Cada familia tiene un límite de 4 citas (le recomendamos que priorice las áreas temáticas en las que su estudiante tiene dificultades).

  • Las inscripciones a la conferencia son por orden de llegada.

  • Las conferencias tienen una duración máxima de 8 minutos.

  • Las citas están disponibles a partir de las 8:30 am a 7pm el 8 de marzo.

  • El 8 de marzo es asincrónico para los estudiantes. Las clases NO están en sesión.

  • Los estudiantes deben asistir a las conferencias. Para que los estudiantes asistan, ingrese su dirección de correo electrónico de estudiante durante el proceso de registro.

    • El formato de correo electrónico del estudiante es: Nombre. Apellido @bugsbrooklyn.org

  • La fecha límite para registrarse para las conferencias es el 6 de marzo a las 6pm.


Evento: Conferencias Dirigidas por Estudiantes

Fecha: miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2023

Hora: 8:30 am-7:00 pm

~ Para programar sus conferencias HAGA CLIC AQUÍ ~

Código de evento: tncbe

*Recordatorio: el 8 de marzo (miércoles) es un día asíncrono para los estudiantes.


Tenga en cuenta que la fecha límite para programar sus registros para la conferencia r es el 6 de marzo a las 6:00 p. m. El horario se cerrará después del 6 de marzo para brindar a los maestros tiempo para prepararse para cada reunión. Si necesita cancelar o reprogramar su cita o tiene preguntas, envíeme un correo electrónico akevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org. Estoy deseando verte allí.




Kevin Peñaloza

Coordinadora familiar y de operaciones


Pleno invierno Receso

Esperamos que tenga un descanso reparador y relajante. La escuela no está en sesión entre el 20 y el 24 de febrero. Nos vemos en BUGS el lunes 27 de febrero.

Actividades del Mes de la Historia Afroamericana

Durante el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana, BUGS celebra las contribuciones de nuestros grandes líderes, inventores, músicos y artistas afroamericanos. Los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de participar en una variedad de actividades organizadas en torno a nuestro C.A.R.E.S.valores.

Esta celebración de un mes es una oportunidad para que BUGS destaque los logros de los negros, comprenda las historias de los negros para proporcionar un contexto para el presente y aprenda sobre las personas y organizaciones que crean el cambio. Algunas de las actividades que se llevan a cabo incluyen exhibiciones en el aula de libros de autores afroamericanos, discusiones sobre derechos civiles, decoración de puertas, trivia del mes de la historia afroamericano y maestros que comparten historias y puntos de vista que dan vida a la historia afroamericano y la cultura afroamericana de una manera única, significativa y hermosa.

Nuevo número de Titulares de Hornet

El BUGS Hornets presenta artículos como actualizaciones de BUGS boogeyman, cómics y artistas, los ganadores destacados de este mes y noticias de los medios. Felicitaciones a Violet B. por ganar el concurso de logotipos.

Torneo Super Mash Bros.

Los estudiantes pueden participar en el Torneo Super Mash Ultimate el Mar 2, 2023. Hay untarifa de $ 5 para competir con las cuotas de inscripción que se destinarán a las actividades de fin de año del octavo grado. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el Sr. Malcolm almalcolm.eastman@bugsbrooklyn.org o ver volante abajo.

La última sesión de información virtual para posibles familias es el 7 de marzo

Durante el descanso, recuerde contarles a sus familiares y amigos por qué le encantan los BUGS y anímelos a aprender más sobre nosotros en nuestra sesión de información virtual el martes 7 de marzo a las 5:30 p. m. Las familias pueden registrarse para la sesión y enviar solicitudes enwww.BUGSbrooklyn.org/apply. La fecha límite para aplicar para el año escolar 2023-24 es el 1 de abril.

Celebración del 1er semestre

Felicitaciones a los estudiantes, el personal y las familias por una maravillosa Celebración del 1er Semestre. Fue grandioso que la comunidad de BUGS se reuniera para nuestra ceremonia de premiación estudiantil y presentaciones en celebración de nuestros valores y logros académicos de CARES. Hacer clic aquí para ver lo más destacado del evento y haga clic en aquí para ver la actuación de CAPA de octavo grado de "I See Fire".

Baile de la amistad

Felicitaciones a la PTA, a los padres voluntarios y al equipo de la OSA con un gran agradecimiento al DJ Mr.Kid por un increíble baile y celebración de la amistad para nuestros estudiantes. Hacer clic aquí para una instantánea de video rápida de nuestros estudiantes en movimiento..

Recursos externos

Recursos de la escuela secundaria

InsideSchools y NYC Admissions Solutions se enorgullecen de presentar este seminario web gratuito para las familias de los grados 6 y 7 de la escuela intermedia que recién comienzan el proceso de admisión a la escuela secundaria pública. Regístrese a continuación:

Llamando a todos los partidarios de Charter

Únase a otros padres de la ciudad de Nueva York cuyos hijos están en escuelas chárter enParque del Ayuntamiento el martes 7 de marzo a las 10:30h.REGÍSTRESE AHORA para My Child, My Choice: Equidad y acceso para todas las familias Rally

Guardia de cruce escolar de la ciudad de Nueva York

Si está interesado en convertirse en un guardia de cruce escolar, consulte la información a continuación:


BUGS Family Newsletter, January 6th

Dear BUGS Families, 

Hope you are well and having a good start to the year. 

Please review this newsletter in its entirety and you may also find past issues  in these locations: 

As always if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.

Remember to let friends and family know that they can apply to BUGS for the 2023-24 school year here.


Kevin Peñaloza

Family & Operations Coordinator 


Midline Assessments on January 9th & 10th


On Monday, January 9, and Tuesday, January 10, BUGS will administer our Midline Assessments in the core subjects and Sustainability. These assessments provide valuable data to teachers by indicating skills that require additional support. 


Note: Midlines are formative and do not impact students’ grades. The assessments provide  students and parents/guardians with  information about mid-year progress on grade level standards. They are also used to set goals for students and to inform curriculum planning for future units of study. 

Please ensure that your student is present on these days and avoid scheduling any appointments during school hours or early departures.  


On the day of the assessments, please make sure your student has a good night sleep, eats a healthy breakfast, and arrives at school on time. 


There will be no Office Hours on the days of Midlines Assessments (January 9th & January 10)


Please join us on Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023 for our fourth  in-person Coffee & Conversation with Principal Wynette Caesar, Executive Director Susan Tenner, and members of the leadership team. This is a great opportunity to have an informal conversation with BUGS school leaders and meet other families..

Please see information below: 

  • When: January 17, 2023 (Tuesday)

  • Time: 8:20 - 9:00 am 

  • RSVP your spot by clicking on the link: 

  • Limited to the first 50 people to RSVP



Asynchronous Day- January 23, 2023

Please note that Monday, January 23rd, is an Asynchronous Day to allow time for staff professional development and team planning meetings.


As a reminder, on Asynchronous Days there are no in-person classes and students will be provided with assignments on Google Classroom to complete independently for classes on that day’s schedule. Keep in mind that teachers will be engaged in professional development sessions and can only respond during breaks in the PD schedule. Students must complete the attendance form to be marked present for the day:

 If you have any questions please feel free to email the attendance team at attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org




Join the BUGS PTA Facebook group here to keep up with events and activities. The PTA has also launched a web page here. Check it out!


Please mark your calendars for the PTA General Meeting on January 10, 2023 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Please join us for our guest speakers, Assembly Member Robert (Bobby) Carroll followed by Susan Tenner and Wynette Caesar on a brief overview of how to read your student’s progress report.


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 864 8825 6120

Passcode: 535600


COVID Updates

Welcome back and thanks to all families and students who helped keep our community safe by testing for COVID at home before returning to school. 

If you have had any changes to your health insurance, please let us know by completing this Google Form. Providing our testing company with the most up-to-date insurance information will help to eliminate billing errors and paperwork.  

City Testing Centers (our COVID testing company) has started using a new lab in the new year. They have a much simpler results process. If your child gets a PCR test at BUGS, you will receive an email from Alliance Laboratories. Click the link in the email and enter your child’s name, DOB & the access code given in the email. You’ll be able to download a PDF of the results. As always, we will reach out immediately and directly if anyone has a positive rapid test result on the day of testing. 

Progress Reports and Missing Academic Assignments 

Students will receive their progress reports for Semester via backpacks on or after February 1, 2023. Students will receive a final report card with cumulative grades for the entire school year at the end of June, 2023. 


 The progress report grades will reflect students' performance from the start of the school year through January 13th, 2023. 


Reminder: The deadline to submit assignments that will be factored into the progress report is January 13th or before the end of the unit, whichever occurs first. Students will earn zeros on standards aligned to  assignment/assessments that have not been turned in by the due dates or before the end of a unit. If you would like to see which assignments your student is missing please review gradebooks on TeacherEase or contact your student’s teachers directly. 


Steps to Review Assignments on TeacherEase: 

  1. Login with your TeacherEase account. You will be directed to the Parent/Student portal.

    1. Note: Please view on a desktop and not a cell phone.

  2. On the left side of your screen you will see various squares with different colorsClick on the green square that says assignments. You will be redirected to a blue and white screen and it will have a header saying assignments. 

  3. You will see a list of assignments that are due for the current week. You can change the dates of when assignments are due in the box that says “dates.”

    1. You may also find a recording on how to view the gradebook located here:

      1. How to view gradebook on TeacherEase

Estimadas familias de BUGS,

Espero que estén bien y que haya tenido un buen comienzo de año.

Revise este boletín en su totalidad y también puede encontrar números anteriores en estos lugares:

Como siempre, si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse conmigo en kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.

Recuerde informar a sus amigos y familiares que pueden matricularse para BUGS para el año escolar 2023-24 aquí.


Kevin Peñaloza

Coordinadora De Familias y Operaciones


Evaluaciones Académicas de Medio Año el 9 y 10 de enero


El lunes 9 de enero y el martes 10 de enero, BUGS administra nuestras Evaluaciones Académicas de Medio Año en las materias básicas y Sostenibilidad. Estas evaluaciones brindan datos valiosos a los maestros al indicar habilidades que requieren apoyo adicional.


Nota: Las Evaluaciones Académicas de Medio Año son formativas y no afectan las calificaciones de los estudiantes. Las evaluaciones brindan a los estudiantes y padres/tutores información sobre el progreso de mitad de año en los estándares de nivel de grado. También están acostumbrados a establecer metas para los estudiantes e informar la planificación curricular para futuras unidades de estudio.

Asegúrese de que su estudiante esté presente en estos días y evite programar citas durante el horario escolar o salidas anticipadas.


El día de las evaluaciones, asegúrese de que su estudiante duerma bien, coma un desayuno saludable y llegue a la escuela a tiempo.


No habrá horas de oficina los días de las evaluaciones Midlines (9 y 10 de enero)


Únase a nosotros el martes 17 de enero de 2023 para nuestro cuarto café y conversación en persona con la directora Wynette Caesar, la directora ejecutiva Susan Tenner y los miembros del equipo de liderazgo. Esta es una gran oportunidad para tener una conversación informal con los líderes escolares de BUGS y conocer a otras familias.


Consulte la información a continuación:


  • Cuándo: 17 de enero de 2023 (martes)

    • Hora: 8:20 - 9:00 am

    • Confirma tu lugar haciendo clic en el enlace:

    • BUGS Café y Conversación RSVP

    • Limitado a las primeras 50 personas que confirmen su asistencia



Día Asíncrono- 23 de enero 2023

Tenga en cuenta que el lunes 23 de enero es un día asíncrono para permitir tiempo para el desarrollo profesional del personal y las reuniones de planificación del equipo.


Como recordatorio, en los Días Asíncronos no hay clases presenciales y los estudiantes recibirán tareas en Google Classroom para completar de forma independiente para las clases en el horario de ese día. Tenga en cuenta que los maestros participarán en sesiones de desarrollo profesional y solo pueden responder durante los descansos en el horario de PD.Los estudiantes deben completar el formulario de asistencia para ser marcados presentes por el día:

 Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en enviar un correo electrónico al equipo de asistencia a asistencia a attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org.




Únete al grupo de Facebook de BUGS PTA aquí para mantenerte al día con los eventos y actividades. El PTA también ha lanzado una página web aquí. ¡Échale un vistazo!


Marque sus calendarios para la reunión general de la PTA el 10 de enero de 2023 de 6:30 p. m. a 8:30 p. m..Únase a nosotros para nuestros oradores invitados, el asambleísta Robert (Bobby) carroll seguido por Susan Tenner y Wynette Caesar en una breve descripción general de cómo leer el informe de progreso de su estudiante.


Únase a la reunión de Zoom


Identificación de la reunión: 864 8825 6120

Código de acceso: 535600


Actualizaciones de COVID

Bienvenidos y gracias a todas las familias y estudiantes que ayudaron a mantener segura a nuestra comunidad al hacerse la prueba de COVID en casa antes de regresar a la escuela.

Si ha tenido algún cambio en su seguro de salud, háganoslo saber completando este Formulario de Google. Proporcionar a nuestra empresa de pruebas la información de seguros más actualizada ayudará a eliminar los errores de facturación y el papeleo.

City Testing Centers (nuestra empresa de pruebas de COVID) ha comenzado a usar un nuevo laboratorio en el nuevo año. Tienen un proceso de resultados mucho más simple. Si su hijo se hace una prueba de PCR en BUGS, recibirá un correo electrónico de Alliance Laboratories. Haga clic en el enlace del correo electrónico e ingrese el nombre de su hijo, fecha de nacimiento y el código de acceso proporcionado en el correo electrónico. Podrás descargar un PDF de los resultados. Como siempre, nos comunicaremos de inmediato y directamente si alguien tiene un resultado positivo en la prueba rápida el día de la prueba.

 Informes de progreso y tareas académicas faltantes

Los estudiantes recibirán sus informes de progreso para el semestre a través de mochilas a partir del 1 de febrero de 2023. Los estudiantes recibirán una boleta de calificaciones final con calificaciones acumuladas para todo el año escolar a fines de junio de 2023.


 Las calificaciones del informe de progreso reflejarán el desempeño de los estudiantes desde el comienzo del año escolar hasta el 13 de enero de 2023.


Recordatorio: La fecha límite para enviar tareas que se incluirán en el informe de progreso es el 13 de enero o antes del final de la unidad, lo que ocurra primero. Los estudiantes obtendrán ceros en los estándares alineados con tareas/evaluaciones que no se hayan entregado antes de las fechas de vencimiento o antes del final de una unidad. Si desea ver qué tareas le faltan a su estudiante, revise los libros de calificaciones en TeacherEase o comuníquese directamente con los maestros de su estudiante.


Pasos para revisar tareas en TeacherEase:

  1. Inicie sesión con su cuenta de TeacherEase. Se le dirigirá al portal de Padres/Estudiantes.

    1. Nota: Ver en una computadora de escritorio y no en un teléfono celular.

  2. En el lado izquierdo de su pantalla verá varios cuadrados con diferentes colores Haga clic en el cuadrado verde que dice tareas. Se le redirigirá a una pantalla azul y blanca y tendrá un encabezado que dice tareas.

  3. Verá una lista de tareas que vencen para la semana actual. Puede cambiar las fechas de vencimiento de las tareas en el cuadro que dice "fechas".

    1. También puede encontrar una grabación sobre cómo ver el libro de calificaciones aquí:

      1. Cómo ver el libro de calificaciones en TeacherEase

BUGS Family Newsletter, December 23rd

Dear BUGS Families, 

We wanted to wish you and your families a happy and healthy holiday season!

Please review this newsletter in its entirety and you may also find past issues  in these locations: 

As always if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.

See you back at BUGS in 2023! Remember to let friends and family know that they can apply to BUGS for the 2023-24 school year here.


Kevin Peñaloza

Family & Operations Coordinator 

COVID Reminders

  • Before returning to BUGS on Tuesday, January 3, have your student take two COVID tests, 24-48 hours apart. If they have symptoms at any time over break, they should test immediately. 

  • If your child does get COVID during the break, please email covid@BUGSbrooklyn.org to let us know, even if they were not in school at the time. It does affect our in-school testing protocols, and we always want to make sure that all exposure and safety protocols are maintained.

  • Given the high rates of flu and other respiratory viruses, the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) has issued a universal indoor masking recommendation for all indoor settings, including schools.


If your child is missing an immunization, please try to get that done over the holiday break! Many 6th graders are missing their TDAP shots (due when they turn 11), and some 7th/8th graders are missing their Meningococcal vaccine. The DOE may require that students missing vaccinations will not be able to attend school - we don’t want that to happen! 


Midline Assessments on January 9th & 10th

 On Monday, January 9, and Tuesday, January 10, BUGS will administer our Midline Assessments in the core subjects and Sustainability. 


These assessments provide valuable data to teachers by indicating skills that require additional support. 


Note: Midlines are formative and do not impact students’ grades. They are for  student and parent information pertaining to mid-year progress on grade level standards. They are also used to inform curriculum planning for future units of study. Please ensure that your student is present on these days and avoid scheduling any appointments or early departures.  


On the day of the assessments, please make sure your students get a good night sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and arrive at school on time. 

 Full School Day on January 3, 2023

We look forward to seeing our students back at BUGS on Tuesday, January 3. Please note that it will be a full school day.. , 

You may also find the schedule on the  school calendar located here:

Progress Reports and Missing Academic Assignments 

Students will  receive  progress reports at the end of Semester 1. Progress reports will be forthcoming on or after February 1st, 2023. The progress report grades will reflect students' performance from the start of the school year through January 13th, 2023. Students will receive a final report card with cumulative grades for the entire school year at the end of June, 2023. 


As we approach Winter Recess, please remind your students that the break is a great time to catch up on missing assignments. The deadline to submit assignments that will be factored into the progress report is January 13th or before the end of the unit, whichever occurs first. Students will earn zeros on standards aligned to  assignment/assessments that have not been turned in by the due dates or before the end of a unit. If you would like to see which assignments your student is missing, please review gradebooks on TeacherEase or contact your student’s teachers directly when we return to school in January.


Steps to Review Assignments on TeacherEase: 

  1. Login with your TeacherEase account. You will be directed to the Parent/Student portal.

    1. Note: Please view on a desktop and not a cell phone.

  2. On the left side of your screen you will see various squares with different colorsClick on the green square that says assignments. You will be redirected to a blue and white screen and it will have a header saying assignments. 

  3. You will see a list of assignments that are due for the current week. You can change the dates of when assignments are due in the box that says “dates.”

    1. You may also find a recording on how to view the gradebook located here:

      1. How to view gradebook on TeacherEase



Join the BUGS PTA Facebook group here to keep up with events and activities. The PTA has also launched a web page here. Check it out!


Please mark your calendars for the PTA General Meeting on January 10, 2023 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. More information to come. 



Asynchronous Day- January 23, 2023

Please note that Monday, January 23rd, is an Asynchronous Day to allow time for staff professional development and team planning meetings.


As a reminder, on Asynchronous Days there are no in-person classes and students will be provided with assignments on Google Classroom to complete independently for classes on that day’s schedule. Keep in mind that teachers will be engaged in professional development sessions and can only respond during breaks in the PD schedule. Students must complete the attendance form to be marked present for the day:

 If you have any questions please feel free to email the attendance team at attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org.

Estimadas familias de BUGS,

¡Queríamos desearles a ustedes y a sus familias una temporada festiva feliz y saludable!

Revise este boletín en su totalidad y también puede encontrar números anteriores en estos lugares:

Como siempre, si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse conmigo a kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.

¡Nos vemos en BUGS en 2023! Recuerde informar a sus amigos y familiares que pueden registrsten para BUGS para el año escolar 2023-24 aquí.


Kevin Peñaloza

Coordinadora de Familias y de Operaciones

Recordatorios de COVID

  • Antes de regresar a BUGS el martes 3 de enero, haga que su estudiante tome dos pruebas de COVID, con 24 a 48 horas de diferencia.Si tienen síntomas en cualquier momento durante el descanso, deben realizar la prueba de inmediato.

  • Si su hijo contrae COVID durante el receso, envíe un correo electrónico covid@BUGSbrooklyn.org para informarnos, incluso si no estaban en la escuela en ese momento. Afecta nuestros protocolos de pruebas en la escuela, y siempre queremos asegurarnos de que se mantengan todos los protocolos de exposición y seguridad.

  • Dadas las altas tasas de gripe y otros virus respiratorios, El Departamento de Salud e Higiene Mental de la Ciudad de Nueva York (DOHMH) ha emitido un recomendación de enmascaramiento universal para interiores para todos los entornos interiores, incluidas las escuelas.


Si a su hijo le falta una vacuna, ¡trate de hacerlo durante las vacaciones! A muchos estudiantes de sexto grado les faltan las vacunas TDAP (que vencen cuando cumplen 11 años), y algunos estudiantes de grados 7 y 8 les falta la vacuna meningocócica. El DOE puede exigir que los estudiantes que no hayan recibido las vacunas no puedan asistir a la escuela. ¡No queremos que eso suceda!


Evaluaciones de Medio Ano el 9 y 10 de enero

El lunes 9 de enero y el martes 10 de enero, BUGS administrará nuestras examenes en las materias básicas y Sostenibilidad.


Estas examenes brindan datos valiosos a los maestros al indicar habilidades que requieren apoyo adicional.


Nota: Las examenes son formativas y no afectan las calificaciones de los estudiantes. Son para la información de los estudiantes y los padres relacionada con el progreso de mitad de año en los estándares de nivel de grado. También se utilizan para informar la planificación del plan de estudios para futuras unidades de estudio. Asegúrese de que su estudiante esté presente en estos días y evite programar citas o salidas anticipadas.


El día de las evaluaciones, asegúrese de que sus estudiantes duerman bien, coman un desayuno saludable y lleguen a la escuela a tiempo.

Dia Regular el 3 de enero de 2023

Esperamos ver a nuestros estudiantes de regreso en BUGS el martes 3 de enero. Tenga en cuenta que será un día escolar completo.


También puede encontrar el horario en el calendario escolar que se encuentra aquí:

Informes de progreso y tareas académicas faltantes

Los estudiantes recibirán informes de progreso al final del Semestre 1. Los informes de progreso estarán disponibles a partir del 1 de febrero de 2023. Las calificaciones del informe de progreso reflejarán el desempeño de los estudiantes desde el comienzo del año escolar hasta el 13 de enero de 2023. Los estudiantes recibirán una boleta de calificaciones final con calificaciones acumuladas para todo el año escolar a fines de junio de 2023.


A medida que nos acercamos al receso de invierno, recuerde a sus estudiantes que el receso es un buen momento para ponerse al día con las asignaciones. La fecha límite para enviar tareas que se incluirán en el informe de progreso es el 13 de enero o antes del final de la unidad, lo que ocurra primero. Los estudiantes obtendrán ceros en los estándares alineados con tareas/evaluaciones que no se hayan entregado antes de las fechas de vencimiento o antes del final de una unidad. Si desea ver qué tareas le faltan a su estudiante, revise los libros de calificaciones en TeacherEase o comuníquese directamente con los maestros de su estudiante cuando regresemos a la escuela en enero.


Pasos para revisar tareas en TeacherEase:

  1. Inicie sesión con su cuenta de TeacherEase. Se le dirigirá al portal de Padres/Estudiantes.

    1. Nota: Ver en una computadora de escritorio y no en un teléfono celular.

  2. En el lado izquierdo de su pantalla verá varios cuadrados con diferentes colores. Haga clic en el cuadrado verde que dice tareas. Se le redirigirá a una pantalla azul y blanca y tendrá un encabezado que dice tareas.

  3. Verá una lista de tareas que vencen para la semana actual. Puede cambiar las fechas de vencimiento de las tareas en el cuadro que dice "fechas".

    1. También puede encontrar una grabación sobre cómo ver el libro de calificaciones aquí:

      1. Cómo ver el libro de calificaciones en TeacherEase



Únase al grupo de Facebook de BUGS PTA aquí para mantenerse al día con los eventos y actividades. El PTA también ha lanzado una página web aquí. Revisalo.


Marque sus calendarios para la reunión general de la PTA el 10 de enero de 2023 de 6:30 p. m. a 8:30 p. m. Más información por venir.



Día asíncrono- 23 de enero de 2023

Tenga en cuenta que el lunes 23 de enero es un día asíncrono para permitir tiempo para el desarrollo profesional del personal y las reuniones de planificación del equipo.

 Como recordatorio, en los Días Asíncronos no hay clases presenciales y los estudiantes recibirán tareas en Google Classroom para completar de forma independiente para las clases en el horario de ese día. Tenga en cuenta que los maestros participarán en sesiones de desarrollo profesional y solo pueden responder durante los descansos en el horario de PD. Los estudiantes deben completar el formulario de asistencia para ser marcados presentes por el día:

 Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en enviar un correo electrónico al equipo de asistencia a attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org.

BUGS Family Newsletter, December 4th

Dear BUGS Families, 

Hope you had a wonderful holiday break and are ready for a great December!

Please read the Family Newsletter in its entirety as it contains important upcoming information. 


Program and Policy Updates/Reminders

  • Missing Academic Assignments

  • BUGS Office Hours

  • Attendance Reminders & Notifications (email attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org)

  • BUGS 8th Grade Cap & Gown Pictures

  • Fight the Flu Flier


  • Coffee & Conversation, December 6th

  • PTA December General Meeting & Potluck December 13

  • BUGS Virtual Info Session for Prospective Families (tell your friends!) December 8

The BUGS Family Newsletters are posted on the BUGS Website and can be found here:

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Kevin Penaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator

Please note that you may also view our Family Calendar on the BUGS Website found here:

Attendance Policy & Notification Contact Email

The Attendance Team asks families to use the following email address, attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org, for any attendance related information, including notification of absences, early dismissal, and any documentation needed for absences. Please visit our School Attendance Page to review more information about BUGS attendance policies and FAQ.


BUGS 8th Grade Cap & Gown Portraits / Retake Day

We are excited for our upcoming 8th Grade Cap & Gown Portrait day, happening December 14th (next Wednesday)! This is the final Picture Day for our 8th Grade students and we look forward to it being a successful one.  Below you will find details on what the day will look like:


Need To Know: 

Who: All 8th Grade Students & Students who missed November 2nd’s Picture Day

When: Wednesday, December 14th (from 9:05 am-11:55am)

Where: Bishop Ford Auditorium

Dress Code: For the day of December 14th, all students are expected to be in their full BUGS uniform. Please note that for 8th grade students, wearing pullover hoodies is strongly advised against as they will be trying on their Graduation Gowns over their uniform and the bulkiness from the hoodies might appear when taking photos.

If students do decide to wear their pullover hoodie, they are responsible for wearing the appropriate attire underneath as they will be instructed to take off the hoodies to wear their Graduation gown for pictures.


  If your child missed getting their individual picture taken on November 2nd and would like to get theirs taken on December 14th, please fill out this form here. If your child did take their picture on November 2nd and you are dissatisfied with the way their picture turned out, you may also fill out the form above for a chance to have them retake their photo on December 14th. Slots for retake photos are on a first come, first serve basis as our time with the Irvin Simon Photographers are limited. Please note that students who were not able to get their picture taken on November 2nd will have priority on December 14th. The last chance to fill out the form will be on December 12th at 9 AM. 


Lastly, if you are interested in supporting our 8th Graders during Picture Day (and want to get a sneak peek of our students in their future graduation regalia) we are looking for a few volunteers! If anyone is interested and can spare any time throughout the day on December 14th, from 8:45 am-11:55 am please contact me, Ms. Jasmine at jasmine.holloway@bugsbrooklyn.org.



Office Hours 

All teachers hold Office Hours after school each day from 2:45 - 3:15 pm. Teachers may invite a student to Office Hours for extended learning (i.e. provide additional support, review feedback on an assessment, take a reassessment) or students may elect to go themselves. If you have questions about Office Hours for a specific class, please do not hesitate to reach out to the teacher or one of the Assistant Principals. You can find their contact information here:


BUGS Coffee & Conversation 

Please join us on Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022 for our third  in-person Coffee & Conversation with Principal Wynette Caesar, Executive Director Susan Tenner, and members of the leadership team. This is a great opportunity to have an informal conversation with BUGS school leaders and meet other families.

Please see information below: 

  • When: December 6, 2022 (Tuesday)

  • Time: 8:20 - 9:00 am 

  • RSVP  by clicking on the link: 

  • Limited to the first 50 people to RSVP


Progress Reports and Missing Academic Assignments 

Students will  receive  progress reports at the end of Semester 1. Progress reports will be forthcoming on or after February 1st, 2023. The progress report grades will reflect students' performance from the start of the school year through January 13th, 2023. Students will receive a final report card with cumulative grades for the entire school year at the end of June, 2023. 


As we approach Winter Recess, please remind your students to turn in all missing assignments to their teachers. The deadline to submit assignments that will be factored into the progress report is January 13th or before the end of the unit, whichever occurs first. Students will earn zeros on standards aligned to  assignment/assessments that have not been turned in by the due dates or before the end of a unit. If you would like to see which assignments your student is missing please review gradebooks on TeacherEase or contact your student’s teachers directly. 


Steps to Review Assignments on TeacherEase: 

  1. Login with your TeacherEase account. You will be directed to the Parent/Student portal.

    1. Note: Please view on a desktop and not a cell phone.

  2. On the left side of your screen you will see various squares with different colorsClick on the green square that says assignments. You will be redirected to a blue and white screen and it will have a header saying assignments. 

  3. You will see a list of assignments that are due for the current week. You can change the dates of when assignments are due in the box that says “dates.”

    1. You may also find a recording on how to view the gradebook located here:

      1. How to view gradebook on TeacherEase


Department of Health Flu Flier

Please see the “Fight the Flu” flier and preventive measures you can take to fight the flu:


News from the PTA:


Please join us for our December meeting and Multicultural Holiday Family Potluck! 

Tuesday, December 13th

Time: 6:00-8:00pm (doors open at 5:30) 

Where: Cafeteria

Bring a Holiday Family Dish to share with students, families, and staff! 

The PTA will also be holding a mid-year uniform sale (or swap – bring any outgrown clean uniforms!)



If you are planning to purchase a Christmas tree this holiday season, go to Foley Firs. Foley will  donate $10 for each  tree to the BUGS PTA! Just mention BUGS when you purchase your tree and sign the school fundraiser list and our PTA will receive the donation!  If we have over 60 participants, they will double their donation! 


Foley Firs 

724 8th Ave. 




Join the BUGS PTA Facebook group here to keep up with events and activities. We’ve also launched a web page here. Check it out!

Encourage Friends and Family to Apply to BUGS

We would love to welcome middle schoolers you care about to BUGS. Online applications for the 2023-24 school year are now open at https://brooklynurbangardencharterschool.schoolmint.net. Remember siblings of students at BUGS receive priority in the lottery.


Please let friends and family know they can also sign up for our next Virtual Info Session on December 8 here or visit BUGSbrooklyn.org/apply.


Estimadas familias de BUGS, 

¡Espero que hayan tenido unas maravillosas vacaciones y estén listos para el mes de diciembre!

Lea el Boletín familiar en su totalidad, ya que contiene información importante. 


Actualizaciones/Recordatorios de programas y políticas

  • Trabajos/Tareas Faltantes 

  • Horario de oficina de BUGS

  • Recordatorios y notificaciones de asistencia (correo electrónico attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org)

  • Fotos de graduación de 8vo.º grado de BUGS

  • Boletín de Luchar contra el Flu


  • Café y conversación, 6 de diciembre

  • PTA Reunión general y comida compartida 13 de diciembre

  • Sesión de información virtual de BUGS para familias (¡cuéntales a sus amigos!) 8 de diciembre

Los boletines de BUGS se publican en el sitio web de BUGS y se pueden encontrar aquí:

Como siempre, si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en enviarme un correo electrónico a kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Kevin Peñaloza 

Coordinador de Operaciones y Familia

Política de asistencia y notificación correo electrónico de contacto

El equipo de asistencia pide a las familias que utilicen la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico, attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org, para cualquier información relacionada con la asistencia, incluida la notificación de ausencias, salida temprana , y cualquier documentación necesaria para las ausencias. Por favor visite nuestra Página de asistencia escolar para revisar más información sobre las políticas de asistencia de BUGS y las preguntas frecuentes.


BUGS Fotos de Graduación de 8.º grado 

¡Estamos emocionados por nuestro próximo día de fotos de gradación de  8.º grado, que tendrá lugar el 14 de diciembre (el próximo miércoles)! Este es el último día de fotos para nuestros estudiantes de 8º grado y esperamos que sea un día exitoso. A continuación encontrará detalles sobre cómo será el día:


Necesito saber: 

Quién: Todos los estudiantes de 8.° grado y los estudiantes que se perdieron el día de la fotografía del 2 de noviembre

Cuándo: Miércoles 14 de diciembre (de 9:05 am a 11:55 am)

Dónde: Auditorio Bishop Ford

Código de vestimenta: Para el día 14 de diciembre se espera que todos los estudiantes estén en su uniforme BUGS completo. Tenga en cuenta que para los estudiantes de 8º grado, se recomienda enfáticamente no usar sudaderas con capucha, ya que se probarán sus vestidos de graduación sobre su uniforme y el volumen de las sudaderas con capucha podría aparecer al tomar fotos.

Si los estudiantes deciden usar su sudadera con capucha, son responsables de usar la vestimenta adecuada debajo, ya que se les indicará que se quiten las sudaderas con capucha para usar su toga de graduación para las fotos.


  Si su hijo no se tomó la foto individual el 2 de noviembre y le gustaría tomarse la suya el 14 de diciembre, complete este formulario aquí. Si su hijo se tomó una foto el 2 de noviembre y no está satisfecho con la forma en que quedó su foto, también puede completar el formulario de arriba para tener la oportunidad de que se vuelva a tomar la foto el 14 de diciembre. Los espacios para retomar fotos se asignan por orden de llegada, ya que nuestro tiempo con los fotógrafos de Irvin Simon es limitado. Tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes que no pudieron tomarse una foto el 2 de noviembre tendrán prioridad el 14 de diciembre. La última oportunidad para llenar el formulario será el 12 de diciembre a las 9 AM. 


Por último, si está interesado en apoyar a nuestros alumnos de 8.º grado durante el Día de la fotografía (y desea obtener un adelanto de nuestros alumnos con sus futuras insignias de graduación), ¡estamos buscando algunos voluntarios! Si alguien está interesado y puede dedicar algún tiempo durante el día 14 de diciembre, de 8:45 a. m. a 11:55 a. m., comuníquese conmigo, la Sra. Jasmine, a jasmine.holloway@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Horas de Oficina 

Todos los maestros tienen Horas de Oficina después de la escuela todos los días de 2:45 a 3:15 pm. Los maestros pueden invitar a un estudiante al horario de oficina para ampliar el aprendizaje (es decir, brindar apoyo adicional, revisar los comentarios sobre una evaluación, realizar una nueva evaluación) o los estudiantes pueden optar por ir ellos mismos. Si tiene preguntas sobre el horario de oficina para una clase específica, no dude en comunicarse con el maestro o uno de los subdirectores. Puede encontrar su información de contacto aquí:


BUGS Café y conversación 

Únase a nosotros el martes Dec 6, 2022 para nuestro tercer café y conversación en persona con la directora Wynette Caesar, la directora ejecutiva Susan Tenner y los miembros del equipo de liderazgo. Esta es una gran oportunidad para tener una conversación informal con los líderes escolares de BUGS y conocer a otras familias.

Consulte la información a continuación: 

  • Cuándo: 6 de diciembre de 2022 (martes)

  • 8:15 - 9:00 am

  • Responde esta invitación para confirmar

Reportes de Progreso y Trabajos Faltantes  

Los estudiantes  recibirán reportes de  progresos al final del Semestre 1. Los informes de progreso estarán disponibles a partir del 1 de febrero de 2023. Las calificaciones del informe de progreso reflejarán el desempeño de los estudiantes desde el comienzo del año escolar hasta el 13 de enero de 2023. Los estudiantes recibirán una boleta de calificaciones final con calificaciones acumuladas para todo el año escolar a fines de junio de 2023. 


A medida que nos acercamos al receso de invierno, recuerde a sus estudiantes que entreguen todas las tareas faltantes a sus maestros. La fecha límite para enviar tareas que se incluirán en el informe de progreso es el 13 de enero o antes del final de la unidad, lo que ocurra primero. Los estudiantes obtendrán ceros en los estándares alineados con tareas/evaluaciones que no se hayan entregado antes de las fechas de vencimiento o antes del final de una unidad. Si desea ver qué tareas le faltan a su estudiante, revise los libros de calificaciones en TeacherEase o comuníquese directamente con los maestros de su estudiante. 


Pasos para revisar las notas y trabajos en TeacherEase: 

  1. Inicie sesión con su cuenta de TeacherEase. Se le dirigirá al portal de Padres/Estudiantes.

    1. Nota: Ver en una computadora de escritorio y no en un teléfono celular.

  2. En el lado izquierdo de tu pantalla verás varios cuadrados con diferentes coloresHaz clic en el cuadrado verde que dice tareas. Se le redirigirá a una pantalla azul y blanca y tendrá un encabezado que dice tareas. 

  3. Verá una lista de tareas que vencen para la semana actual. Puede cambiar las fechas de vencimiento de las tareas en el cuadro que dice "fechas".

    1. También puede encontrar una grabación sobre cómo ver el libro de calificaciones aquí:

      1. Cómo ver el libro de calificaciones en TeacherEase


Departamento de Salud

Consulte el folleto "Fight the Flu" y las medidas preventivas que puede tomar para combatir la gripe:


Noticias de la PTA:



¡Únase a nosotros para nuestra reunión de diciembre y Comida Compartida Multicultural para la Familia! 

Martes, 13 de diciembre

Hora: 6:00-8:00 pm (las puertas se abren a las 5:30) 

Dónde: Cafetería

¡Traiga un plato familiar festivo para compartir con los estudiantes, las familias y el personal! 

La PTA también llevará a cabo una venta de uniformes a mitad de año (o intercambio: ¡traiga los uniformes limpios que se le hayan quedado pequeños!)



Si planea comprar un árbol de Navidad en esta temporada navideña, vaya a Foley Firs. Foley donará $10 por cada árbol a la PTA de BUGS! ¡Solo menciona BUGS cuando compre su árbol y firme la lista de recaudación de fondos de la escuela y nuestra PTA recibirá la donación! Si tenemos más de 60 participantes, ¡duplicarán su donación! 


Foley Firs 

724 8th Ave. 




Únete al grupo de Facebook aquí para mantenerte al día con los eventos y actividades. También hemos lanzado una página web aquí. ¡Échale un vistazo!

Anime a sus amigos y familiares a aplicar a BUGS

Nos encantaría dar la bienvenida a BUGS a los estudiantes de secundaria que le interesan. Las solicitudes en línea para el año escolar 2023-24 ya están abiertas en https://brooklynurbangardencharterschool.schoolmint.net. Recuerde que los hermanos de los estudiantes de BUGS tienen prioridad en la lotería.


Informe a sus amigos y familiares que también pueden registrarse para nuestra próxima sesión de información virtual el 8 de diciembre aquí o visite BUGSbrooklyn.org/apply.

BUGS Family Newsletter, November 17th

Dear BUGS  Families, 

Thank you so much for attending our Family Teacher Conferences on Tuesday. It was a pleasure to see the high level of engagement and know that by partnering together we can help our students achieve their academic and personal growth goals. 

If you were unable to attend Family Teacher Conferences and would like to schedule a time to meet with teachers, please reach out to them directly to arrange a mutually convenient date and time.

Please also read the Family Newsletter in its entirety as it contains important upcoming information. We especially request that if you haven’t already done so, please complete the Family Income Inquiry Form.


Program and Policy Updates/Reminders

  • Attendance Reminders & Notifications

  • Family Income Inquiry Form  (Action Item) - complete this and you may qualify for a uniform gift card from Lands End! See below for details. 

  • BUGS Office Hours 

  • Fight the Flu Flier


  • Field Study on November 18th

  • PTA News: December General Meeting & Potluck 

  • Let Friends and Family Know About BUGS Virtual Info Session on December 8

  • Coffee & Conversation, November 22


If you would like to view the Standards Based Grading Q&A Session, you may find the recording here:

The BUGS Family Newsletters are posted on the BUGS Website and can be found here:

Friendly reminder, students should COVID test before returning to school after the Thanksgiving break. If your student needs home COVID tests, they can get them in advisory or from the main office. 

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Kevin Penaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator

Please note that you may also view our Family Calendar on the BUGS Website found here:

*Asynchronous Days:

As a reminder, on Asynchronous Days there are no in-person classes and students will be provided with assignments on Google Classroom to complete independently. Keep in mind that teachers will be engaged in professional development sessions and can only respond during breaks in the PD schedule. Students must complete the attendance form to be marked present for the day.

Attendance Policy & Notification 

The Attendance Team asks families to use the following email address, attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org, for any attendance related information, including notification of absences, early dismissal, and any documentation needed for absences. Please visit our School Attendance Page to review more information about BUGS attendance policies and FAQ.


Office Hours 

All teachers hold Office Hours after school each day from 2:45 - 3:15 pm. Teachers may invite a student to Office Hours for extended learning (i.e. provide additional support, review feedback on an assessment, take a reassessment) or students may elect to go themselves. If you have questions about Office Hours for a specific class, please do not hesitate to reach out to the teacher or one of the Assistant Principals. You can find their contact information located here:


BUGS Coffee & Conversation 

Please join us on Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022 for our second  in-person Coffee & Conversation with Principal Wynette Caesar, Executive Director Susan Tenner, and members of the leadership team. This is a great opportunity to have an informal conversation with BUGS school leaders and meet other families..

Please see information below: 

  • When: November 22, 2022 (Tuesday)

  • Time: 8:20 - 9:00 am 

  • RSVP your spot by clicking on the link: 

  • Limited to the first 50 people to RSVP


BUGS Field Study, Nov 18, 2022 (Tomorrow)

  • 6th Grade Food Equity Survey: This is a Social Studies themed field study in which students will learn about food equity and take action. They will start the day by harvesting the hydroponics they planted in September and delivering the produce to community fridges in the neighborhood. They will then engage community members to complete the  food equity survey they developed in class. After lunch they will analyze their survey results and think about action plans to increase food security in the community. 


  • 7th Grade Museum of the American Indian: This is a Social Studies themed field study in which students will travel to the museum with the goal of analyzing and interpreting primary sources to better understand Native American culture past and present. In addition, they will study the area and the waterways that used to exist in lower Manhattan and how the systems have changed over time. 


  • 8th Grade Green-Wood Cemetery Air Quality Study and Innovators tour: This is a Science and Social Studies themed field study in which students will experience two different lessons led by Green-Wood's educational staff. One lesson will be studying air quality in and around the area using lichens as an indicator species. The second lesson will be connected to the grade’s study of the Industrial Revolution as students tour the cemetery in the trolley using famous innovators' gravestones as a primary source of investigation into their lives and their contributions. 


Students should arrive on time to avoid missing their grade’s departure from BUGS. Please avoid scheduling any early departures as students will be in different off-site locations. 


In the event that there is a prior long-standing commitment that requires a student to leave early, please reach out to the IS Team at  fieldstudy@bugsbrooklyn.org.



Complete the Family Income Inquiry Form 

Please complete the online Meal Form. Completion of the form is critical to our funding, and every family must complete the form each year, even if you don’t think you qualify for free or reduced price lunch, or your child doesn't eat school meals.  

If you complete the Family Income Inquiry Form and qualify for free or reduced price lunch, your Field Study/Tech fee will be waived, AND we will send you a gift card for uniform items at Lands’ End. 


Department of Health Flu Flier

Please see the “Fight the Flu” flier and preventive measures you can take to fight the flu:


News from the PTA:


Please join us for our December meeting and community event, a Multicultural Holiday Family Potluck! 

Tuesday, December 13th

6:00-8:00pm (doors open at 5:30) 

BUGS Cafeteria

Bring a Holiday Family Dish to share with students, families, and staff! 

The PTA will also be holding a mid-year uniform sale (or swap – bring any outgrown clean uniforms!)



If you are planning to purchase a Christmas tree this holiday season, Foley Firs is donating $10 of every tree to the BUGS PTA! Just mention our school when you purchase your tree and sign the school fundraiser list and our PTA will receive the donation!  If we have over 60 participants, they will double their donation! 


Foley Firs 

724 8th Ave. 


Encourage Friends and Family to Apply to BUGS

We would love to welcome middle schoolers you care about to BUGS. Online applications for the 2023-24 school year are now open at https://brooklynurbangardencharterschool.schoolmint.net. Remember siblings of students at BUGS receive priority in the lottery.


Please let friends and family know they can also sign up for a fall Virtual Info Session on December 8 here.

BUGS Family Newsletter, October 14th

Dear BUGS  Families, 

It is hard to believe that we are almost one quarter of the way through the school year! It is such a joy to be together in school with your students and to be resuming more of a normal school routine. We are so appreciative of everyone’s continued efforts to keep our community safe and healthy.

Make sure to read the Family Newsletter in its entirety.



Program and Policy Updates/Reminders



  • Conversations Over Dinner Workshop on October 20

  • Field Study on October 28th

  • High School Info Session on October 19 (8th Grade Families Only)

  • BUGS Picture Day on November 2

  • PTA News: Fun Run and Join Our Facebook Group

  • Let Friends and Family Know About BUGS Fall Virtual Info Sessions

  • Monster Mash, October 31, 2022

  • Coffee & Conversation, October 


The BUGS Family Newsletters are posted on the BUGS Website and can be found here:

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Kevin Penaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator

Attendance Policy & Notification 

The Attendance Team asks families to use the following email address, attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org, for any attendance related information, including notification of absences, early dismissal, and any documentation needed for absences. Please visit our School Attendance Page to review more information about BUGS attendance policies and FAQ.


BUGS Coffee & Conversation 

Please join us on Tuesday, Oct 18, 2022 for our first in person Coffee & Conversation with Principal Wynette Caesar, Executive Director Susan Tenner, and members of the leadership team. This is an opportunity to have an informal conversation with BUGS school leaders.

Please see information below: 

  • When: October 18, 2022 (Tuesday)

  • Time: 8:20 - 9:00 am 

  • RSVP your spot by clicking on the link: 

  • Limited to 50 people (on a first come basis)


BUGS Conversation Over Dinner Workshop

Ms. Anali and Ms. Monal are excited to host families for Conversations Over Dinner on Thursday, October 20, 2022. This workshop covers ways to have open conversations with your child. Parents/guardians and students will participate in ice breakers, answer prompts, and enjoy pizza and refreshments! Seating for this event is limited! Look out for an email with details about signing up. We look forward to seeing you there!


BUGS Monster Mash:

We are quickly approaching our annual BUGS Monster Mash Celebration on October 31st!  We're so excited to celebrate IN-PERSON again and we're hoping to make it as magical and memorable as possible.   Please see below for the event details and the ways in which support can be given. 


Please see information below:


  • WHEN: Monday, October 31st, 2022

  • TIME: 1:00 PM until 2:20 PM

  • WHERE: Cafeteria 

  • WHAT: Staff and Students have the option to dress up in costumes to celebrate Halloween with music, snacks, and art craft activities.  Costumes are not necessary to attend the Monster Mash.  There will be a classroom provided for students who prefer NOT to attend the Monster Mash.   Costumes must avoid real and fake weapons or weapon-like objects. Costumes cannot have masks that cover the entire face.  


If you are able to donate & volunteer please complete this survey:





BUGS Field Study, October 28th

  • 6th grade field study: 6th grade students will walk to the new Koko site to learn about the sustainable features of their site and to deconstruct broken household electronics for a math, science and social studies related deep dive into the products mined from the Earth that make up the parts of everyday products we use. Extension lessons will include where these natural resources are mined from, working conditions and how we can best dispose of these products.

  • 7th grade field study: 7th grade students will travel by subway to the New York Aquarium and attend classes relating to their grade level sustainability theme of water systems and their science unit on biology. 

  • 8th grade field study: 8th grade students will travel by subway to the New York Historical Society to gather background knowledge about industrialization before starting that Social Studies unit in November. Connections will be made to their grade level theme of energy and air quality by exploring how fossil fuel energy propelled the Industrial Revolution and some of the environmental impacts of that era that New York is still dealing with to this day. 


Students should arrive on time to avoid missing their grade’s departure from BUGS. Please avoid scheduling any early departures as students will be in different off-site locations. 


In the event that there is a prior long standing commitment that requires a student to leave early please reach out to the IS Team at  fieldstudy@bugsbrooklyn.org no later than the Monday before Field Study so that they may plan accordingly. 



BUGS High School Workshop (8th Grade Families ONLY)

​​Join BUGS School Counselor, Ms. Anali, for the 8th Grade High School Family Workshop on October 19, 6:00- 6:45pm. This workshop is similar to the workshop held in June. We will review the research process and discuss admission methods/priorities, and MySchools. However, the agenda is subject to change as updates become available from the DOE. This will be a virtual meeting and the Google Meet link can be found on the BUGS Family Calendar.. This meeting will be recorded and posted on the BUGS website. 


BUGS Picture Day

We are very excited for our upcoming Picture Day onNovember 2nd. 

  • Who: All students and staff members. Students will travel by Cohort with their teachers to get their individual and class photo taken.

  • When: Wednesday, November 2nd (from 9:30am-2:45pm)

    •  8th Grade Cap & Gown Picture Day will happen on December 14th. * Details will come at a later date.

  • Where: Bishop Ford/BUGS Auditorium

  • Dress code: Students are encouraged to come dressed as their best selves! This is one of the few days where students can come in the attire of their choice or in BUGS uniform. Students are still expected to adhere to the BUGS dress code (details on our dress code can be found here).

  • Cost: Students will be sent home with “proof sheets” 3 to 4 weeks after picture day that will have personalized info needed to view and order photos. All ordering is completed online through Irvin Simon’s website and the cost will be provided for you there.

Please be on the lookout for another email regarding picture day. As always, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Jasmine at Jasmine.holloway@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Attention Required: Submit Your Missing Documents 

We are still missing items from over 140 families!!  Please upload or send in any missing items (or pay your Field Study/Tech fee) as soon as possible! If you do not know what you are missing, please reach out to aqilah.richardson@bugsbrooklyn.org or call the Main Office. 


6th grade parents: If your child is about to turn 11 (or has turned 11 recently), they will need to get their TDAP shot as soon as possible. Please make sure your immunizations are up to date. 


BUGS Lost & Found October Clean Out

Please have your students check the lost and found. We will be donating all items left in the lost and found at the end of October. The Lost and found is located near the boys bathroom at the end of the  6th grade hallway. 

  • Help reduce items in the lost and found by labeling your student’s sweatshirts, water bottles, lunch boxes, and coats.



Encourage Friends and Family to Apply to BUGS

We would love to welcome middle schoolers you care about to BUGS. Online applications for the 2023-24 school year are now open at https://brooklynurbangardencharterschool.schoolmint.net. Remember siblings of students at BUGS receive priority in the lottery.


Please let friends and family know they can also sign up for a fall Virtual Info Session on November 18 or December 8 here.


New from the PTA:

Join the BUGS PTA FUN RUN team

Exciting news for BUGS  Families and Friends! The Office of Council Member Shahana Hanif is hosting the 14th Annual Fun Run on Saturday, October 22, 2022 at 10am at the Lefrak Center in Prospect Park (bib pick-up at 9am) and we'd love to have you join the BUGS PTA Team.


Registration pricing is as follows:

  • Single adult: Price: $25.00 Race Fee + $2.50 SignUp Fee

  • Other adults in a group or family: $15 ($10 discount)

  • All children under 18: $5


This pricing attempts to balance maximizing fundraising with affordability. However, price should not be a roadblock for any person wishing to participate. Please reach out to Mia Perez at MPerez@council.nyc.gov to discuss any situations that might limit community members at your school from participating.

Start Time: 9:00am EDT

End Time: 1:00pm EDT

Registration: Registration ends October 22, 2022 at 12:00pm EDT


Sign Up Link:


Get Connected with the PTA

Join the PTA Facebook page to stay up-to-date on news and activities! Click here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/435224245339197



Complete the Family Income Inquiry Form 

Please complete the online Meal Form. Completion of the form is critical to our funding, and every family must complete the form each year, even if you don’t think you qualify for free or reduced price lunch, or your child doesn't eat school meals.  

If you complete the Family Income Inquiry Form and qualify for free or reduced price lunch, your Field Study/Tech fee will be waived, AND we will send you a gift card for uniform items at Lands End. 



Complete the Family Tech Inventory Survey 

Please complete this form to provide us with information regarding your students' access to technology at home.


In an effort to be equitable within our school community, BUGS will work with families who have limited/or no home technology to provide loaner Chromebooks at home in addition to those that will remain onsite.


The criteria for students to be eligible to take a chromebook home is as follows:

  • Families must complete this Family Tech Inventory Survey - SY22-23 by Friday, Oct. 14

  • Families must qualify for Free or Reduced Price Meals.

Please note that we have an extremely limited number of Chromebooks available for home use.

We will follow up with updates and Chromebook loan status as needed.

If you have any questions please contact us at techteam@bugsbrooklyn.org

BUGS Family Newsletter, October 7th

October 7, 2022

Dear BUGS  Families, 

Thank you for joining us for our first in-person Curriculum Night in three years. We are glad to have had this opportunity for you to meet our teachers and school leaders, have meaningful conversations about the curriculum, and gain more insights into what to expect this school year. Please also complete this feedback form to help us improve our practices and plan better for future events and community support:

If you missed Curriculum Night, or would like to review the class syllabi, visit the BUGS Curriculum Night 2022 page on our website. Please also take a look at our Family Guide to Standards-Based Grading.

Topics covered in this newsletter include:

The BUGS Family Newsletters are posted on the BUGS Website and can be found here:

Make sure to read the Family Newsletter in its entirety.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Kevin Penaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator

Attendance Policy & Notification 

The Attendance Team asks families to use the following email address, attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org, for any attendance related information, including notification of absences, early dismissal, and any documentation needed for absences. Please visit our School Attendance Page to review more information about BUGS attendance policies and FAQ.


BUGS Conversation Over DinnerWorkshop

Ms. Anali and Ms. Monal are excited to host families for Conversations Over Dinner on Thursday, October 20, 2022. This workshop covers ways to have open conversations with your child. Parents/guardians and students will participate in ice breakers, answer prompts, and enjoy pizza and refreshments! Seating for this event is limited! Look out for an email with details about signing up. We look forward to seeing you there!



BUGS High School Workshop (8th Grade Families ONLY)

​​Join BUGS School Counselor, Ms. Anali, for the 8th Grade High School Family Workshop on October 19, 6:00- 6:45pm. This workshop is similar to the workshop held in June. We will review how to research, discuss admission methods/priorities, and MySchools. However, the agenda is subject to change as updates become available from the DOE. This will be a virtual meeting and the Google Meet link can be found in the BUGS Family Calendar on the school website. This meeting will be recorded and posted on the BUGS website. 


BUGS Picture Day

We are very excited for our upcoming Picture Day, happening November 2nd. Below you will find details on what to expect:

  • Who: All students and staff members. Students will travel by Cohort and teachers to get their individual and class photo taken.

  • When: Wednesday, November 2nd (from 8:30am-2:45pm)

    •  Retake Picture Day will happen on December 14th. * Details will come at a later date.

    • There will be a separate day for 8th Grade Cap & Gown Photos. These photos will be taken on December 14th. * Further details will come at a later date.

  • Where: Auditorium

  • Dresscode: Students are encouraged to come dressed as their best selves! This is one of the few days where students can come in attire of choice or in BUGS uniform. Students are still expected to adhere to the BUGS dress code (details on our dress code can be found here).

  • Cost: When it's time to order Picture Day portraits of your child, students will be sent home with “proof sheets” 3 to 4 weeks after picture day that will have personalized info needed to view and order photos. All ordering is completed online through Irvin Simon’s website and the cost will be provided for you there.


Please be on the lookout for another email regarding picture day and retake day. As always, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, Ms. Jasmine, at Jasmine.holloway@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Missing Documents 

All families should have received a packet sent home on September 20 indicating whether or not we are missing needed items for your student (documents, meal form, fee, etc.). Please upload or send in any missing items as soon as possible! If you do not know what you are missing, please reach out to aqilah.richardson@bugsbrooklyn.org or call the Main Office. 

6th grade parents: If your child is about to turn 11 (or has turned 11 recently), they will need to get their TDAP shot as soon as possible. Please make sure your immunizations are up to date. 



BUGS Lost & Found 

Please have your students check the lost and found. We will be donating all items left in the lost and found at the end of the month. Lost and found items can be located near the boys bathroom at the end of the  6th grade hallways. 


BUGS PTA General Meeting & Updates

Don’t miss the virtual October BUGS PTA Meeting on Tuesday, October 11 at 6:30 pm.

This Tuesday's meeting is focused on middle schoolers and post-Covid Social Skills; Do social media, the internet, and video games help or hinder our kids who may be socially shy after the pandemic?

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 833 3445 4457

Passcode: 669134

Join the PTA Facebook page to stay up-to-date on activities! Click here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/435224245339197


The BUGS PTA is still collecting dues for the 2022-23 school year! Dues are $65 OR whatever families are comfortable donating. Families can pay through Zelle at bugspta@gmail.com or through Paypal to BUGSPTA



BUGS Housing Questionnaire 

If you have recently changed your home address, please complete the BUGS Housing Questionnaire. This will ensure our records are up-to-date. Thank you!



Complete the Family Income Inquiry Form 

Please complete the online Meal Form. Completion of the form is critical to our funding, and every family must complete the form each year, even if you don’t think you qualify for free or reduced price lunch, or your child doesn't eat school meals.  

External Resources & Community Info

FREE Laundry Day + lunch Oct 10

Clean Rite will be offering FREE laundry + meals from 11-3 PM at 314 McDonald Ave in Brooklyn.


There will be a DJ, children’s entertainment, and raffle giveaways every 20 minutes. To pre-register and be entered into the raffle, families can fill out their name and email using this form.


Also attached is a flier with the link and QR code.


From Council Member Shahana Hanif

District 39 is dedicating Participatory Budgeting Cycle 12 to Climate Justice! CM Hanif's office is committing $1.5 million to neighborhood climate and environmental projects, proposed, vetted, and voted on by neighbors. Please submit an idea online between now and the end of October, or come to a Neighborhood Assembly to learn more, meet community members, and participate in group brainstorming to share ideas on how to address green issues locally. Join us at the Carroll Gardens Library on Tuesday, October 11th 6:00pm - 8:00pm OR the Windsor Terrace Library on Wednesday, October 12th from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. Please RSVP here to let us know you are coming and to see additional events.

From Council Member Alexa Avile’s Newsletter

Sunset Park Wide Open — Friday, October 14 through Sunday, October 16

Join NARS Foundation and other neighbors in the Sunset Park arts scene for a weekend of open studios, exhibitions, and events, all across the neighborhood. Learn more via NARS Foundation.

Supply Drive for Asylum Seekers

Avile’s office has been working with the Department of Social Services and other partners to identify needs as asylum seekers arrive in our district. Along with South Brooklyn Mutual Aid, they will be collecting donations of the following items to distribute to asylum seekers.Here's how to help:

✨ Donate *new & gently-used* second hand that are *clean*

❌ We will not accept items that are dirty or unfit for wear

🧴 Donate basic food and care items like toiletries, diapers, snacks, water and more.

Drop off: 4417 4th Avenue, Monday-Friday, 9:30 am-5:30 pm

Click here for more info

BUGS Family Newsletter, September 16th

September 16, 2022 - BUGS Newsletter 



Dear BUGS Families, 

 As we conclude our third week of school, I'm excited to share that students have easily settled into the new school year. This week marked our first PTA meeting of 2022-23 and the launch of Hispanic Heritage Month. Please keep on the lookout for lots of ways to get involved and help us build on our theme "Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation."


Topics covered in this newsletter include:

The BUGS Family Newsletters are posted on the BUGS Website and can be found here:

 If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org. I look forward to our continued partnership during the 2022-23 school year!!



Kevin Peñaloza

Family & Operations Coordinator

Please note that you may also view our Family Calendar on the BUGS Website found here:



*Asynchronous Days:

As a reminder, on Asynchronous Days there are no in-person classes and students will be provided with assignments on Google Classroom to complete independently. Keep in mind that teachers will be engaged in professional development sessions and can only respond during breaks in the PD schedule. Students must complete the attendance form to be marked present for the day.

 Curriculum Night- September 28, 2022 

We look forward to welcoming our families to BUGS for Curriculum Night. During the evening you will follow an abbreviated version of your  student’s schedule and experience a day in the life of your BUG'S student. Please note that due to space limitations, the program is for adult caregivers only. Please arrange for your student and their  siblings to stay at home.



Arrive at Curriculum Night with this information. You can ask your student or find it  in TeacherEase.

  • Cohort Number

  • Advisory Number

  • Advisor Name

Review Class Syllabi which will be posted on the BUGS website Curriculum Night page on September 22, 2022. 


Curriculum Night COVID Protocols:

To keep us all healthy and safe and as required by DOE policy, parents and caregivers must show proof of COVID vaccination before entering BUGS for Curriculum Night. Please bring proof of at least one vaccination (physical card or digital proof are both acceptable). We recommend that all attendees wear masks while inside the building. We will also have them available upon request. 


Curriculum Night Details:

  • Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 

  • Time: 5:00 pm  - 7:30 pm




Field Study, September 23, 2022

Important Info for Families:

Field Study will be on Friday, September, 23, 2022.  Please refer to an email from Laura Karlen sent on September 15 for more details.

  • Students should arrive on time to avoid missing their grade’s departure from BUGS.  

  • Please avoid scheduling any early departures as students will be in different off-site locations. 

  • Field Study locations for September 23: 

In the event that there is a prior long standing commitment that requires a student to leave early please reach out to the IS Team at  fieldstudy@bugsbrooklyn.org no later than the Monday before Field Study so that they may plan accordingly. 


If you have any questions, please reach out to the IS Coordinators:

  • 6th Grade IS Coordinator: Ms. Patricia Victome at patricia.victome@bugsbrooklyn.org

  • 7th Grade IS Coordinator: Ms. Alana Bortoluzzi at alana.bortoluzzi@bugsbrooklyn.org

  • 8th Grade IS Coordinator: Mr. Joshua Colon at joshua.colon@bugsbrooklyn.org

  • General Inquiries about Field Study please contact fieldstudy@bugsbrooklyn.org


Friendly reminder of the BUGS dismissal expectations for all Field Trips and Field Study outings.

  • All BUGS students Must return to the BUGS campus to be dismissed from field trips or field study outings/venues.

  • Students are not allowed to self dismiss from field trips or field study outings/venues.

  • Students are not allowed to be picked up by family/friends from field trips or field study outings/venues.

  • Students who arrive late or  need to be picked up/leave before the trip return time, will remain at school for that day. The student will remain at BUGS and work will be provided for them. 

Thank you for your support and understanding as we strive to keep our students and staff safe to and from field trips/field study outings.


Attendance Policy & Notification 

The Attendance Team asks families to use the following email address, attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org, for any attendance related information, including notification of absences, early dismissal, and any documentation needed for excused absences. Please visit our school attendance page to review more information about BUGS attendance policies and FAQ. 



Volunteer to Join the BUGS Team at the Sunset Park BID 5th Avenue Street Festival on Sept 25

BUGS is excited to be part of this great community event and to share information about our special school with the Sunset Park community. We hope you will join us at the booth or stop by and say hello. If you can volunteer, please click here to fill out the form (and we will thank the first 15 family volunteers with a $25 gift card). 




BUGS Housing Questionnaire 

If you have recently changed your home address, please complete BUGS Housing Questionnaire. This will ensure our records are up to date. Thank you!




Complete the Family Income Inquiry Form 

Please complete the online Meal Form. Completion of the form is critical to our funding, and every family must complete the form each year, even if you don’t think you qualify for free or reduced price lunch, or your child doesn't eat school meals.  (See below about free uniforms and waived fees for qualified families)




Pay the Yearly Field Study and Technology Fee 

This yearly payment of $75 covers field study trips and technology maintenance fees for the entire school year. Families can pay online in TeacherEase (click the Fees button, and then General, under Accounts), or send in a check made payable to Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (not BUGS).  Please submit payment by October 1st. 

If you qualify for Free or Reduced Price Meals as indicated in your submitted Family Income Inquiry Form, your Field Study and Technology Fee will be waived for the 2022-23 school year. 









16 de Septiembre de 2022 - Boletín BUGS



Estimadas familias de BUGS,



Al concluir nuestra tercera semana de clases, me emociona compartir que los estudiantes se han adaptado fácilmente al nuevo año escolar. Esta semana marcó nuestra primera reunión de la PTA de 2022-23 y el lanzamiento del Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Esté atento a muchas formas de involucrarse y ayudarnos a desarrollar nuestro tema "Unidos: inclusión para una nación más fuerte".

Los temas cubiertos en este boletín incluyen:

  • Noche Curricular 2022

  • Estudio de campo de septiembre

  • Protocolo de Asistencia

  • Formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares

  • Tarifa anual de estudio de campo y tecnología

  • Cuestionario de Vivienda BUGS

  • Voluntarios en el stand de BUGS en el festival callejero BID 5th Avenue de Sunset Park el 25 de septiembre

    • Haga clic aquí para registrarte.

Los boletines de la familia BUGS se publican en el sitio web de BUGS y se pueden encontrar aquí:

  • Rincón de la familia BUGS

Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse conmigo en kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org . ¡Espero que nuestra asociación continúe durante el año escolar 2022-23!




Kevin Peñaloza

Coordinadora familiar y de operaciones

Tenga en cuenta que también puede ver nuestro calendario familiar en el sitio web de BUGS que se encuentra aquí :

  • https://www.bugsbrooklyn.org/school-calendar

*Días Asíncronos:

Como recordatorio, en los días asincrónicos no hay clases presenciales y los estudiantes recibirán tareas en Google Classroom para completar de forma independiente. Tenga en cuenta que los maestros participarán en sesiones de desarrollo profesional y solo pueden responder durante los descansos en el horario de PD. Los estudiantes deben completar el formulario de asistencia para ser marcados como presentes ese día.




Curriculum Night- 28 de septiembre de 2022

Esperamos dar la bienvenida a nuestras familias a BUGS para la Noche de Currículo. Durante la noche, seguirá una versión abreviada del horario de su estudiante y experimentará un día en la vida de su estudiante BUG 'S. Tenga en cuenta que, debido a las limitaciones de espacio, el programa es solo para cuidadores adultos. Por favor haga arreglos para que su estudiante y sus hermanos se queden en casa.

Cosas de Revisar :

Llegue a la Noche de Currículo con esta información. Puede preguntarle a su estudiante o encontrarlo en TeacherEase.

  • Número de cohorte

  • Número de aviso

  • Nombre del asesor

  • Revise el plan de estudios de la clase, que se publicará en la página de la noche del plan de estudios del sitio web de BUGS el 22 de septiembre de 2022.

Curriculum Night Protocolos COVID:

Para mantenernos a todos sanos y seguros, y según lo exige la política del DOE, los padres y cuidadores deben mostrar un comprobante de vacunación contra el COVID antes de ingresar a BUGS para Curriculum Night. Traiga prueba de al menos una vacunación (se aceptan la tarjeta física o la prueba digital). Recomendamos que todos los asistentes usen máscaras mientras estén dentro del edificio. También los tendremos disponibles bajo petición.

Detalles de la noche del plan de estudios:

  • Fecha: Miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2022

  • Hora: 5:00 - 7:30 pm



Estudio de campo, 23 de septiembre de 2022

Información importante para las familias:

El estudio de campo será el viernes 23 de septiembre de 2022. Consulte un correo electrónico de Laura Karlen enviado el 15 de septiembre para obtener más detalles.

  • Los estudiantes deben llegar a tiempo para evitar perder la salida de su grado de BUGS.

  • Evite programar salidas anticipadas ya que los estudiantes estarán en diferentes ubicaciones fuera del sitio.

  • Ubicaciones del estudio de campo para el 23 de septiembre:

    • 6.º grado al estudio del vecindario: hoja de permiso de 6.º grado

    • 7.º grado hasta el canal Gowanus - Hoja de permiso para 7.º grado

    • 8.º grado a One World Trade Center - Hoja de permiso de 8.º grado

En el caso de que exista un compromiso previo de larga data que requiera que un estudiante se vaya temprano, comuníquese con el equipo de IS en fieldstudy@bugsbrooklyn.org a más tardar el lunes anterior al estudio de campo para que puedan planificar en consecuencia.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con los coordinadores de SI:

  • Coordinadora de IS de sexto grado: Sra. Patricia Victome en patricia.victome@bugsbrooklyn.org

  • Coordinadora de IS de 7.º grado: Sra. Alana Bortoluzzi en alana.bortoluzzi@bugsbrooklyn.org

  • Coordinador de IS de 8vo grado: Sr. Joshua Colon en joshua.colon@bugsbrooklyn.org

  • Consultas generales sobre el estudio de campo, comuníquese con fieldstudy@bugsbrooklyn.org .


Recordatorio amistoso de las expectativas de salida de BUGS para todas las excursiones y salidas de estudios de campo.

  • Todos los estudiantes de BUGS deben regresar al campus de BUGS para ser despedidos de las excursiones o salidas/lugares de estudio de campo.

  • No se permite que los estudiantes se retiren por sí mismos de las excursiones o salidas/lugares de estudios de campo.

  • No se permite que los estudiantes sean recogidos por familiares/amigos de excursiones o salidas/lugares de estudios de campo.

  • Los estudiantes que lleguen tarde o necesiten que los recojan o se vayan antes de la hora de regreso del viaje, permanecerán en la escuela ese día. El estudiante permanecerá en BUGS y se le proporcionará trabajo.

Gracias por su apoyo y comprensión mientras nos esforzamos por mantener seguros a nuestros estudiantes y personal hacia y desde las excursiones/excursiones de estudio.



Política de asistencia y notificación

El Equipo de asistencia solicita a las familias que utilicen la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico, asistencia@bugsbrooklyn.org , para cualquier información relacionada con la asistencia, incluida la notificación de ausencias, la salida temprana y cualquier documentación necesaria para las ausencias justificadas. Por favor visite nuestro página de asistencia escolar para revisar más información sobre las políticas de asistencia de BUGS y las preguntas frecuentes.



Ofrécete como voluntario para unirte al equipo BUGS en el festival callejero BID 5th Avenue de Sunset Park el 25 de septiembre

BUGS está emocionado de ser parte de este gran evento comunitario y de compartir información sobre nuestra escuela especial con la comunidad de Sunset Park. Esperamos que se una a nosotros en el stand o pase a saludarnos. Si puede ser voluntario, haga clic aquí para completar el formulario (y agradeceremos a las primeras 15 familias voluntarias con una tarjeta de regalo de $25).



Cuestionario de Vivienda BUGS

Si ha cambiado recientemente la dirección de su casa, complete el Cuestionario de vivienda de BUGS . Esto asegurará que nuestros registros estén actualizados. ¡Gracias!



Completar la Formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares 

Por favor complete el en línea Formulario de comidas . Completar el formulario es fundamental para nuestra financiación, y cada familia debe completar el formulario cada año, incluso si no cree que califica para el almuerzo gratis oa precio reducido, o si su hijo no come las comidas escolares. (Consulte a continuación sobre uniformes gratuitos y tarifas exentas para familias calificadas)



Pague la tarifa anual de estudio de campo y tecnología

Este pago anual de $75 cubre los viajes de estudio y las tarifas de mantenimiento de la tecnología durante todo el año escolar. Las familias pueden pagar en línea en TeacherEase (haga clic en el botón Tarifas y luego en General, en Cuentas), o envíe un cheque a nombre de Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (no BUGS). Envíe el pago antes del 1 de octubre.

Si califica para comidas gratis o a precio reducido como se indica en su Formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares , su tarifa de estudio de campo y tecnología no se aplicará para el año escolar 2022-23.

BUGS Family Newsletter, August 19th

Para Español Vea Más Abajo

Dear BUGS Families, 


Hope you are well and enjoying your summer. . Welcome to our second family newsletter of School Year 2022-2023. We are excited to  see our students back in the building and to welcome  our new students. 


Thank you to all the families who attended our Family Welcome Session on August 17th. Please scroll further below for the recording of the presentation  and session slide deck. 


As always please read this newsletter in its entirety. 


In this newsletter you will find action items and reminders that include the following: 


The BUGS Family Newsletters are posted on the BUGS Website and can be found here:


If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org. I look forward to our partnership in the 22-23 school year ahead!



Kevin Penaloza



PTA Family Picnic, August 25

Please join the BUGS PTA for their annual family picnic in Prospect Park. The PTA will sell lightly used uniform shirts. Bring your own food, drink, and blanket. 

  • BUGS PTA Family Picnic 

    • When: August 25th (Thursday), 5:00-7:00 p.m

    • Where: Bartel Pritchard Square entrance, Prospect Park



Slide Deck and Family Welcome Session, August 17th

Thank you to our new and returning families for attending our Virtual Family Welcome Meeting on August 17. If you missed the program, or would like to review the information again, click the link below. During the session, the BUGS team discussed school day procedures, COVID policies, teaching and learning, school culture, and other topics to help you and your student get ready for a great 2022-23 school year.



Complete the Family Income Inquiry Form 

Please complete the online Meal Form. Completion of the form is critical to our funding, and every family must complete the form each year, even if you don’t think you qualify for free or reduced price lunch, or your child doesn't eat school meals.  (See below about free uniforms and waived fees for qualified families)




Pay the Yearly Field Study and Technology Fee 

This yearly payment of $75 covers field study trips and technology maintenance fees for the entire school year. Families can pay online in TeacherEase (click the Fees button, and then General, under Accounts), or send in acheck made payable to Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (not BUGS).  Please submit payment by September 1. 

If you qualify for Free or Reduced Price Meals as indicated in your submitted Family Income Inquiry Form, your Field Study and Technology Fee will be waived for the 2022-23 school year. 




Purchase Uniforms 

Please note that BUGS will be continuing our Uniform Policy for the 2022-23 school year. The BUGS dress code and uniform policy are explained on the BUGS website and in our Family Handbook. You can purchase uniforms from Lands' End School Uniforms, using the BUGS School Number 900186842.. 

Remember to put your student’s name on the label in their uniforms.

*Please note that the 22-23 Family Handbook is forthcoming-please check the website for updates.

If you qualify for Free or Reduced Price Meals as indicated by the completion of the Family Income Inquiry Form, BUGS will provide your child with a uniform starter kit. 




Purchase: Communal Supply List

Students should bring communal supplies to BUGS during the first week of school. 

Purchase: Subject-Based Supply List 

Please note that this supply list is for individual subjects that students will need for their classes and that they may keep in their lockers, please see below for details: 



Roster Announcements & Cohort Requests

Rosters will be published on TeacherEase on August 25. We will also have the information available for students when they arrive at school for student orientation.


Please note that we are unable to honor cohort requests. Cohort and advisory assignments are crafted in collaboration with grade team teachers and leaders. They are based on specific criteria including mandated services, various demographic criteria, and equity of cohort sizes to ensure that each cohort consists of a diverse group of students. Please know that a great deal of thought goes into this process. We appreciate your understanding and support in building a strong community.  




Estimadas familias de BUGS, 


Espero que estén bien y disfrutando de su verano. . Bienvenidos a nuestro segundo boletín familiar del año escolar 2022-2023. Estamos emocionados de ver a nuestros estudiantes de regreso en el edificio y de darles la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos estudiantes. 


Gracias a todas las familias que asistieron a nuestra sesión de bienvenida familiar el 17 de agosto. Desplácese más abajo para ver la grabación de la presentación y la plataforma de diapositivas de la sesión. 


Como siempre, lea este boletín en su totalidad. 


En este boletín encontrará elementos de acción y recordatorios que incluyen lo siguiente: 


Los boletines de la familia BUGS se publican en el sitio web de BUGS y se pueden encontrar aquí:


Si tiene alguna pregunta no dude en comunicarse conmigo en kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org. ¡Espero con mucha anticipación nuestra asociación en el próximo año escolar 22-23!


Kevin Peñaloza



Picnic familiar de la PTA, 25 de agosto

Únase a la PTA de BUGS para su picnic familiar anual en Prospect Park. La PTA venderá camisas de uniforme con poco uso. Traiga su propia comida, bebida y manta. 

  • Picnic familiar de la PTA de BUGS 

    • 5:00-7:00 pm

    • Dónde: Entrada de Bartel Pritchard Square, Prospect Park



Slide Deck y sesión de bienvenida familiar, 17 de agosto

Nuestra reunión virtual de bienvenida familiar el 17 de agosto. Si se perdió el programa o desea revisar la información nuevamente, haga clic en el enlace de abajo. Durante la sesión, el equipo de BUGS discutió los procedimientos del día escolar, las políticas de COVID, la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, la cultura escolar y otros temas para ayudarlo a usted y a su estudiante a prepararse para un gran año escolar 2022-23.




Complete el formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares 

Por favor complete el Formulariode comidas. Completar el formulario es fundamental para nuestra financiación, y cada familia debe completar el formulario cada año, incluso si no cree que califica para el almuerzo gratis oa precio reducido, o si su hijo no come comidas escolares.  (Consulte a continuación sobre uniformes gratuitos y tarifas exentas para familias calificadas)




Pagar la tarifa anual de estudio de campo y tecnología 

Este pago anual de $75 cubre viajes de estudio de campo y tarifas de mantenimiento de tecnología para todo el año escolar. Las familias pueden pagar en línea en TeacherEase (haga clic en el botón Tarifas y luego en General, en Cuentas), o envíe un cheque a nombre de Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (no BUGS).  Envíe el pago antes del 1 de septiembre. 

Si califica para comidas gratis o a precio reducido como se indica en su Formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares, su tarifa de estudio de campo y tecnología no se aplicará para el año escolar 2022-23. 




Comprar uniformes 

Tenga en cuenta que BUGS continuará con nuestra Política de uniformes para el año escolar 2022-23. El código de vestimenta y la política de uniformes de BUGS se explican en el sitio web de BUGS y en nuestro Manual de familia. Puedes comprar uniformes de Uniformes escolares de Lands' End, utilizando el número 900186842.. 

Recuerde poner el nombre de su estudiante en la etiqueta de sus uniformes.

*Tenga en cuenta que se publicará próximamente el Manual de Familias; consulte el sitio web para obtener actualizaciones.

Si califica para comidas gratis o a precio reducido, como se indica al completar el Formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares, BUGS le proporcionará a su hijo un kit de inicio uniforme. 




Compra: Lista de Útiles Comunales

Los estudiantes deben traer útiles comunales a BUGS durante la primera semana de clases. 


Compra Lista de Útiles Individuales de Materias 

Tenga en cuenta que esta lista de útiles es para materias individuales que los estudiantes necesitarán para sus clases y que pueden guardar en sus casilleros, consulte a continuación para obtener más detalles: 



Solicitudes de Cambio de Clases

Las clases se publicarán en TeacherEase el 25 de agosto. También tendremos la información disponible para los estudiantes cuando lleguen a la escuela para orientación estudiantil.

Tenga en cuenta que no podemos cumplir con las solicitudes de cohortes. Las asignaciones de cohortes y de asesoramiento se elaboran en colaboración con los maestros y líderes del equipo de grado. Se basan en criterios específicos, incluidos los servicios obligatorios, varios criterios demográficos y la equidad del tamaño de las cohortes para garantizar que cada cohorte se compone de un grupo diverso de estudiantes. Tenga en cuenta que se dedica una gran cantidad de pensamiento a este proceso. Agradecemos su comprensión y apoyo en la construcción de una comunidad fuerte. 

BUGS Family Newsletter 07/15/2022

Dear BUGS Families, 


I hope you are well and are enjoying your summer. I wanted to welcome you to the first newsletter of the 2022-2023 school year, and also welcome our newest BUGS families to the community. As we look forward to August, please review the newsletter for updates and reminders below, which include: 

Action Items below:

  • Complete Family Income Inquiry Form 

  • Pay Yearly Field Study & Technology Fee

Quick links for topics detailed below:


If you have questions please feel free to reach out to me:  kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org and to visit our website at https://www.bugsbrooklyn.org/  for more information.  We will have more information to share with you in August!


Best Wishes, 

Kevin Peñaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator 



Family Income Inquiry Form 

Please take a few minutes today and complete the online form (formerly known as the NYC School Meal form). Completion of the form is critical to our funding, and every family must complete the form each year, even if you don’t think you qualify for free or reduced price lunch, or your child doesn't eat school meals. 




Yearly Field Study and Technology Fee 

This yearly payment of $75 covers field study trips and technology maintenance fees for the entire school year. Families can pay online in TeacherEase (click the Fees button, and then General, under Accounts), or send the school a check made payable to Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (not BUGS). 

If you qualify for Free or Reduced Price Meals as indicated in your submitted Family Income Inquiry Form, the Field Study and Technology Fee will be waived for the 2022-23 school year. 

Please submit payment by September 1. 



First Week of School Information

  • August 29: First Day of School for New 6th Grade Students Only

  • August 30: First Day of School for All 7th and 8th Grade Students (new and returning)

  • August 29 - September 2: School begins at 8:05 a.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m. (half days)

    • Students will have lunch daily at noon. Students who prefer to bring lunch may do so.


School Calendar 2022-23

Be sure to refer to the 2022-2023 BUGS school year calendar for important dates. You can sync the Google Calendar version to your phone, by clicking the link and selecting the +GoogleCalendar button on the bottom right of the screen. The back of the printed calendar includes a useful BUGS contact list:



Communal Supply List 2022-2023

Students should bring communal supplies to BUGS during the first week of school. Subject specific lists will be coming in August. The list (including English & Spanish) is linked above.



Please note that BUGS will be continuing our Uniform Policy for the 2022-23 school year. The BUGS dress code and uniform policy are explained on the BUGS website and in our Family Handbook. You can purchase uniforms from our uniform provider, Lands' End School Uniforms, using the BUGS School Number 900186842. Please order your uniform as soon as possible to ensure delivery before school starts. And sign up to receive Lands’ End emails to receive notices about sales!

If you qualify for Free or Reduced Price Meals as indicated in the completion of the Family Income Inquiry Form, BUGS will provide your child with a uniform starter kit. 



Summer Reading Assignments 

We hope you are enjoying your summer!  In addition to vacations, reunions, excursions, and just plain fun, we require that your children read and complete a summer reading assignment. Students should turn in their assignment for their grade level by September 6, 2022. Please see the last page of the assignment for instructions on how to turn in the Summer Reading Assignment.

Links to the assignments are below and are also available online on the BUGS website, and posted on your child’s Google Classroom account. Please note that returning students received a physical copy of their assignment on the last day of school:

BUGS Summer Reading explores a range of themes/genres for enjoyment by readers. Reading the same novel as their peers gives students shared knowledge with their classmates. The corresponding assignments focus on essential learning standards that students will continue to practice this coming school year.


Should you have any questions please contact Ms. Betsy at Betsy.McGowan@bugsbrookly.org




Estimadas familias de BUGS,


Espero que estés bien y que estés disfrutando de tu verano. Quería darles la bienvenida al primer boletín del año escolar 2022-2023, y también dar la bienvenida a nuestras familias BUGS más nuevas a la comunidad. Mientras esperamos con ansias el mes de agosto, revise el boletín para obtener actualizaciones y recordatorios a continuación, que incluyen:

Elementos de acción a continuación:

  • Complete el formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares

  • Pague la tarifa anual de estudio de campo y tecnología

Enlaces rápidos para los temas que se detallan a continuación:


Si tiene preguntas, no dude en comunicarse conmigo: kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org y visite nuestro sitio web en https://www.bugsbrooklyn.org/ para obtener más información. ¡Tendremos más información para compartir con ustedes en agosto!



Kevin Peñaloza

Coordinadora familiar y de operaciones




Formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares 

Tómese unos minutos hoy y complete el formulario en línea (anteriormente conocido como formulario de comidas escolares de la ciudad de Nueva York). Completar el formulario es fundamental para nuestra financiación, y cada familia debe completar el formulario cada año, incluso si no cree que califica para el almuerzo gratis oa precio reducido, o si su hijo no come comida escolar.




Tarifa anual de estudio de campo y tecnología

Este pago anual de $75 cubre los viajes de estudio y las tarifas de mantenimiento de la tecnología durante todo el año escolar. Las familias pueden pagar en línea en TeacherEase (haga clic en el botón Tarifas y luego en General, en Cuentas), o envíe un cheque a la escuela a nombre de Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (no BUGS).

Si califica para comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido, como se indica en el Formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares presentado , no se cobrará la tarifa de estudio de campo y tecnología para el año escolar 2022-23.

Envíe el pago antes del 1 de septiembre.



Primera semana de información escolar

  • 29 de agosto: primer día de clases solo para estudiantes nuevos de sexto grado

  • 30 de agosto: primer día de clases para todos los estudiantes de 7.º y 8.º grado (nuevos y antiguos)

  • 29 de agosto - 2 de septiembre: la escuela comienza a las 8:05 am y termina a la 1:00 pm (medios días)

    • Los estudiantes almorzaron todos los días al mediodía. Los estudiantes que prefieran traer el almuerzo pueden hacerlo.


Calendario Escolar 2022-2023

Asegúrese de consultar el calendario del año escolar 2022-2023 de BUGS para fechas importantes. Puede sincronizar la versión de Google Calendar con su teléfono haciendo clic en el enlace y seleccionando el botón +Google Calendar en la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla. El reverso del calendario impreso incluye una útil lista de contactos de BUGS:


Lista de Utiles Comunals 2022-2023

Los estudiantes deben traer útiles comunales a BUGS durante la primera semana de clases. Las listas específicas de temas llegarán en agosto. La lista (incluyendo inglés y español) está vinculada arriba.



Tenga en cuenta que BUGS continuará con nuestra Política de uniformes para el año escolar 2022-23. El código de vestimenta y la política de uniformes de BUGS se explican en elsitio web de BUGS y en nuestro Manual familiar . Puede comprar uniformes de nuestro proveedor de uniformes,Lands' End School Uniforms , utilizando el número de escuela BUGS 900186842 . Pida su uniforme lo antes posible para garantizar la entrega antes de que comiencen las clases. ¡Y regístrese para recibir correos electrónicos de Lands' End para recibir avisos sobre ventas!

Si califica para comidas gratuitas o de precio reducido como se indica al completar el Formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares , BUGS le proporcionará a su hijo un kit de inicio uniforme.



Tareas de lectura de verano 

¡Esperamos que estés disfrutando de tu verano! Además de vacaciones, reuniones, excursiones y simplemente diversión, requerimos que sus hijos lean y completen una tarea de lectura de verano. Los estudiantes deben entregar su tarea para su nivel de grado antes del 6 de septiembre de 2022. Consulte la última página de la tarea para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo entregar la Tarea de lectura de verano.

Los enlaces a las tareas se encuentran a continuación y también están disponibles en línea en elsitio web de BUGS y publicados en la cuenta de Google Classroom de su hijo. Tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes que regresan recibieron una copia física de su tarea el último día de clases:

BUGS Summer Reading explora una variedad de temas/géneros para el disfrute de los lectores. Leer la misma novela que sus compañeros les da a los estudiantes conocimientos compartidos con sus compañeros de clase. Las asignaciones correspondientes se enfocan en los estándares de aprendizaje esenciales que los estudiantes continuarán practicando este próximo año escolar.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la Sra. Betsy en Betsy.McGowan@bugsbrookly.org .