BUGS Family Newsletter, March 11th

Dear BUGS Families, 


Thank you so much for attending our Student-Led Conferences on Wednesday. It was a pleasure to see the high level of engagement and to welcome back all of our families to the building. By partnering together we can help our students achieve their academic and personal growth goals. 


We would like to give a big BUGS shoutout to the PTA Executive Board, Toshi Mochizuki, Susie Kravets, Tara Lindis Corbell, and Mara Schvarzstein for sustaining our staff with snacks and treats throughout the day.


We are also grateful to Terrace Bagels & Cafe as well as SYKO for nourishing our staff with delicious sustenance.


If you were unable to attend Student-Led Conferences and would like to schedule a time to meet with teachers, please reach out to them directly to arrange a mutually convenient date and time.


We would like to also welcome our new 6th-grade reading teacher, Dyllan Moran.  

Please also read the Family Newsletter in its entirety as it contains important information. 

 The BUGS Family Newsletters are posted on the BUGS Website and can be found here:


As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.


Kevin Penaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator


School Surveys!

This is the time of year when both the DOE and our authorizer NYSED are reaching out for family feedback about BUGS.  Both surveys are required and important to helping us grow our learning community. We appreciate your taking the time to provide NYSED and DOE with your opinions and experiences with BUGS.

The deadline to complete both surveys is March 31st. 

DOE Survey: The link to the survey was sent in an email from me on Friday with the Student ID Number.

NYSED Survey


Change to Office Hours on March 13th & March 14th

Please note that we will NOT be holding office hours on Monday, March 13th, and Tuesday, March 14th. 

Students will be dismissed at 2:45pm unless they are participating in afterschool.


Reminder! Encourage Friends and Family to Apply to BUGS

We would love to welcome middle schoolers you care about to BUGS. The deadline to submit applications for the lottery is April 1.  Please encourage friends and family to submit their applications now for the 2023-24 school year at https://brooklynurbangardencharterschool.schoolmint.net.  


Kindness Month at BUGS 

March is Kindness and Inclusion Month at BUGS! This is our 7th year celebrating Kindness and Inclusion Month! Of course, at BUGS we value the importance of kindness and inclusion every day. During the month of March, we highlight its importance and celebrate the benefits of being kind. Click here to see a quick video capturing the launch of Kindness Month.

Next week we begin our Kindness Month Spirit Week celebration!!! Please see the link below for all events that will be happening during BUGS Kindness Spirit Week:

 Traffic Safety at BUGS 

All BUGS students participated in a traffic safety lesson from the Department of Transportation educational arm. 

Please see the videos below from them on traffic safety: