Our School
500 19th Street
Windsor Terrace
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Phone: 718-280-9556
Nearest Transportation:
B61, B67, B68, B69 Buses
For general information, email us at:
For information on applying and enrolling:
admissions@BUGSbrooklyn.org, ext 599
During school hours, we are working to supervise our students and stay focused on your children’s needs. If you do have questions or concerns, we encourage you to contact your child’s teachers by e-mail, call the main office, or send a note with your child. We will not interrupt teachers during the school day, but teachers will make every effort to return phone calls and e-mails within two school days. With two days advance notice, families are welcome to visit their child’s class and to request conferences with teachers. Teachers will return phone calls and requests in writing/e-mail to arrange for visits and conferences at a mutually agreeable time, but no later than within seven (7) school days.