Message from the Family Coordinator
Dear BUGS Families,
We hope you stay safe and check for air quality updates over the next few days.
This month we celebrate our graduating Class of 2023 and their successes and also welcome our incoming Class of 2025. On behalf of the team at BUGS, we also wanted to say thank you to the PTA and our families for all the love and support this year..
Interested in donating back lightly used uniforms? Please bring them to BUGS beginning on Monday, June 12. Thanks! Important Reminders:
There will be No School on June 8th & June 9th due to Staff Professional Development Days.
6th & 7th Grade Students will dismiss at 1:00 pm on June 14th & June 15th.
Eligible 8th Grade students will take the Living Environment Regents, and Algebra 1 Regents on those days.
As we quickly approach the end of the school year, please remind your students to stay on task with turning in any outstanding or late assignments by June 16th for grading.
There is No School on June 19th to celebrate Juneteenth.
There will be 1:00 pm dismissal on June 20th, June 21st, and June 22st.
On June 20th eligible 8th Grade Students who are sitting for the Spanish Language Proficiency exam will have a different schedule.
As a reminder, looking ahead: The BUGS school year begins before Labor Day and attendance is required. BUGS students are expected to return to school the week before Labor Day and attendance is required. Please plan your vacations accordingly as these are considered unexcused absences if students are not present. More information to come about the first day of school.
Please read the newsletter in its entirety, and as always if you have any questions email me at
Kevin Peñaloza
Family & Operations Coordinator
Reminder for all Families Regarding Academics:
As we quickly approach the end of the school year, please remind your students to stay on task and turn in any outstanding or late assignments for grading by the June 16th deadline. To view missing assignments please check TeacherEase.
As a reminder, students may be retained in their current grade level or mandated to complete a summer plan/school for the following reasons:
Earned a D+ (1.75-1.99) average or below in core classes (math, science, social studies, reading, writing) in the 8th Grade
Earned a D+ (1.75-1.99) average or below in reading, writing and math in 6th & 7th Grade.
You may also find more information in our Family Handbook located here:
BUGS 6th & 7th Grade End-of-Year Trips
Please click here to sign the permission slip which is due Friday, 6/9/2023.
BUGS has organized end-of-year trips for our 6th and 7th grade students on Friday, June 23, 2023 to celebrate all their hard work and accomplishments!. Please see below for trip information.
6th & 7th Grade End-of-Year Trip
Date: Friday, June 23, 2023
Time: 8:15am - 2:45pm**
(dismissal upon return to BUGS - 2:15pm at the earliest)
Location: Pier 2 Roller Skating Rink, Brooklyn Bridge Pier 2, 150 Furman Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201
6th Grade Team Leader - Lucie Davis (
7th Grade Team Leader - Tonya Brown (
Transportation: Subway (Train Passes)
Meals: Lunch (pizza + drink) will be provided. Students may pack additional lunch/snacks!
Cost: FREE this year! (Thanks to the BUGS PTA!)
Activities: Students will be able to choose from many activities during the day: Basketball, soccer, bocce, handball, shuffleboard, hopscotch, and foursquare. Students may also roller skate if they sign up on this slip.
* Students must wear their uniform, close-toed shoes, and bring a water bottle. We recommend they bring a hat and sunscreen.
* Students may bring their own soccer balls, basketballs, cards, or other games to play at Pier 2.
Thank you for your support and should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at
PTA Corner: Upcoming Events
The BUGS PTA needs you!
Please join the BUGS PTA for their last meeting of the school year on June 15th. Meet information below:
This is the link for the June 15th meeting::
Meeting ID: 864 5586 4078
Passcode: 948063
Please join the PTA KONSTELLA community here:
We also have a Facebook group page:
Join our PTA Executive Committee!
The BUGS PTA EC helps parents stay sane and navigate family-life in NYC with friendships, guest speakers, and resources. We provide community picnics, dances, potlucks, basketball team uniforms, school uniforms to incoming 6th graders, guest speakers, and more. This is an all-volunteer thing and truly, the more the merrier.
6th and 7th Grade Sustainability Community Action Project Open Classroom June 22nd, 10-11AM
6th grade will host an Open Classroom titled “Community Fair” in which they will apply skills learned in all of their content area classes to create informational booths, local produce stands, and BUGS garden tours for the community. Please complete the 6th grade google form linked here if you plan to attend. More details to come.
7th grade will host an Open Classroom titled “Blue Schools Design Challenge '' in which students will apply skills learned in all of their content area classes to present their group’s redesign of the school building featuring a green infrastructure to divert stormwater from the sewage system. Please complete the 7th grade google form linked here if you plan to attend.
More details to come.
External Resources
Have thoughts on District 15’s Diversity Plan for schools? The Department of Education is running a survey through 6/15 to collect community feedback on this important educational diversity program. Be sure to check it out!
KoKo NYC is hosting a free two-day printmaking workshop for youth in 5th through 8th grade on 6/17 and 6/18. Check out more details and register here.
NYC DOT is conducting community outreach to understand how the Beverley Road Open Street is used and how the community wants to see this new public space evolve in the future! Take this short survey to share your feedback and ideas for the Beverley Road Open Street – the survey will remain open until 6/30.
Are you above 60? Get fit while having fun at the Park Slope Center for Successful Aging’s Latin Rhythms Dance Class. The Latin Rhythms Dance class includes seated warmups, fundamental steps, and an introduction to different rhythmic styles like tango, salsa, bachata, and cumbia. The class is offered every Wednesday from 11 AM - 12 PM through 6/28.
Interested in outdoor movies this summer? Rooftop Films is bringing film festivals and crowd favorites to outdoor venues in and around District 39 all summer long! Check out their calendar to grab your tickets for an upcoming show.
Check out Lincoln Center’s Summer for the City for free music, dancing, and social events!