Humanities at BUGS — BUGS - Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School

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Humanities at BUGS

BUGS utilizes a comprehensive humanities approach that challenges students to read, and write persuasively and think critically about their world and to use their voice to advocate for themselves and others.

  • For ELA (English Language Arts) BUGS uses an adapted balanced literacy approach to teach the NYS Next Generation Reading and Writing Standards. Based on the work of the Teachers College Reading and Writing project, we offer separate Writing and Reading classes to build powerful, independent readers and writers.

  • Social Studies employs project and inquiry-based learning, exploring topics from ancient civilizations to modern US history.

  • Spanish instruction introduces culture in 6th grade and prepares students for a proficiency exam in 8th grade, potentially earning high school credits.

More detailed information about Humanities at BUGS is below.


Reading instruction ensures students read whole class canonical and contemporary texts as well as excerpts of authentic texts. Students have an opportunity to self select texts from the classroom library to read during independent work time and to take home.

Units include: A Deep Study of Character, Tap the Power of Nonfiction, Social Issues/Fantasy/Dystopian Book Clubs; Investigating Characterization, Essential Research Skills for Teens, Historical Fiction, Characterization & Author’s Craft, Nonfiction Author Study/Approaching the Classics

Take a peek into the learning with the following grade-level syllabi:


Writing uses direct instruction to ensure that students are taught specific writing strategies, and then are given the opportunity to engage with real world writers and mentor texts and practice those strategies, craft moves, and structures. Students are assessed on their ability to demonstrate the writing process as well as produce an authentic writing genre.

Units include: Narrative, Argumentative, Informational, and Researched Based Writing

Take a peek into the learning with the following grade-level syllabi:

Social studies

At BUGS we explore Social Studies through NYS Next Generation Standards. We do this by using project and inquiry based learning. We encourage students to reflect on global and U.S. History and its impact on current events by promoting student voice and student agency through accountable talk.

Take a peek into the learning with the following grade-level syllabi:


6th grade Spanish is an introduction to Spanish culture. The main goal is to give students the background knowledge of Spanish history, traditions, and the basics of the language to hold onto and use in the 8th grade.

8th grade Spanish gives students the lead in their own learning. Students who complete two years of Spanish coursework (or one year of accelerated coursework) by the end of grade eight may qualify to take the Spanish Language Proficiency exam for two high school credits.

The exam includes:

  • 1 informal and 4 formal conversations

  • listening to an audio clip in Spanish and answering questions written in both English and Spanish

  • reading a text in Spanish and answering questions written in both English and Spanish

  • writing a short essay of at least 50 words in Spanish on a given topic