BUGS Family Newsletter, April 20th

Message from the Family Coordinator


Dear BUGS Families, 


Hope you are well and enjoying the spring weather. 


We had a successful Day 1 & Day 2 of ELA State Testing and are looking forward to the Math State Test. 


Here's some news you can use  about upcoming events: 

  • April 21st: Eid al-Fitr- No School

  • April 28th: Field Study 

  • May 2 & May 3rd: NY State Math Tests (1pm dismissal on both days)

  • May 7th: BUGS PTA Brooklyn Cyclones Family Fundraiser

  • May 8 - 12: Staff Appreciation Week

  • May 9th: BUGS Presents Lisa Damour and The Emotional Lives of Teenagers

  • May 12th: Teacher professional development day - asynchronous for ALL students. 


I wanted to also give a shout out to our awesome BUGS PTA for their success on their recent PTA Movie night. 


Please read the newsletter in its entirety, and as always if you have any questions please feel free to email me at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org.



Kevin Peñaloza 

Family & Operations Coordinator



Join us on May 9 at 6:30pm for a riveting evening of fresh insights, advice, and conversation with Lisa Damour, Ph.D., author of the newly released (and already a NY Times Bestseller) The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents.

Here’s how to be part of the program!

  1. Attend the event!! Tickets are $25 and are available at https://bit.ly/DamouratBUGS

  2. Become an event sponsor! Learn more here.

  3. Volunteer! If you can volunteer, please either email taralindiscorbell@gmail.com or sign up on the Konstella sign up sheet! https://www.konstella.com/app/school/6373d00b9b9869b0cd60d337/signups/63f0e3bfcf38fec600b62cfc


PTA Corner: Upcoming Events

The BUGS PTA needs you!

Please join the PTA KONSTELLA community here:


We also need parents to join our PTA Executive Committee! 

The BUGS PTA EC helps parents stay sane and navigate family-life in NYC with friendships, guest speakers, and resources.  We provide community picnics, dances, potlucks, basketball team uniforms, school uniforms to incoming 6th graders, guest speakers, and more.  This is an all-volunteer thing and truly, the more the merrier.  

Donate to the PTA !

The PTA is still in pandemic recovery mode and currently operating in the red. If you have not donated your yearly dues, please donate here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=3AH2WCGK9YCE8

 We’re also accepting donations of appropriate items and services to include as raffle prizes. 



Brooklyn Cyclones vs. Aberdeen

Sunday, May 7th @ 2PM 

Cyclones Stadium at Coney Island

Tickets $15 can be bought here: https://fevo.me/3Tialrr

Baseball season has started! Come join us for this fun (and fundraising!) event with the Brooklyn Cyclones! Bring your friends, family, and Little League teams! If we sell 250+ tickets, a lucky BUGS participant will get to throw out the first pitch!



High School Application Overview and Process

& BUGS PTA General Meeting

Special Guest:  NYC High School Expert Joyce Szulfita

Thursday, May 11th


Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86455864078?pwd=S0xrbzYxMmdUcXRzSE4vUVg2aDEvZz09

Suggested $5 donation for this talk:



Field Study, Apr 28, 2023

Happy Earth Month! For the April 28 Field Study we will be getting back out into the field with the following Earth Month Field Study experiences:

6th grade will split up into two sites for the April field study and then swap for May 26. For April:

601 and 604 will be headed to an environmental education program at Greenwood Cemetery and learn about integrated pest management of the spotted lantern fly that is wreaking havoc on its world renowned arboretum. In addition they will be caring for street trees around BUGS. 

602 and 603 will head to Industry City in Sunset Park to learn about innovative urban farming with City Growers on their rooftop farm and explore urban revitalization and greening of old industrial areas in the Industry City complex.

7th grade will travel to Brooklyn Bridge Park and participate in choice activities analyzing the role of waterways in our city and how the study of clouds helps predict weather patterns.

8th grade will explore the NY Aquarium and learn about the role of the oceans in air quality and energy production. They will use photojournalism to capture their learning including a beach clean up. 


Staff/Teacher Appreciation Week

Staff/Teacher Appreciation week is May 8 - May 12. Here at BUGS, we would like to show our appreciation of our BUGS Staff with gifts, food and different activities they can indulge in for that week. If anyone would like to support us in celebrating our wonderful staff by donating food, funds, or speciality services (ex.beauty, selfcare, wellness, mindfulness)  that would be greatly appreciated you may contact the Family & Operations Coordinator at kevin.penaloza@bugsbrooklyn.org



NYC School Survey Deadline Extended to April 20th (TODAY!)

Every year, we ask all families, teachers, and staff and students to take the NYC School Survey. The survey gives school leaders a better understanding of what members of their school community think about their school. The information collected by the survey is designed to support a dialogue among all members of the school community about how to make the school a better place to learn.

The deadline to take the 2023 NYC School Survey has been extended to April 20 (today). PLEASE complete the survey if you haven’t yet done it. Thanks!

  • https://surveys.panoramaed.com/nycdoe/login


External Resources

DOE Summer Rising Program

Summer Rising 2023 is a partnership between New York City Public Schools and the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD). Summer Rising is free and available to all NYC students in grades K-8, pending seat availability. Beginning April 17, families can visit this webpage to apply for a Summer Rising seat.

Students in Summer Rising will have access to both academic and enrichment programming over the course of the day, including field trips, arts activities, and outdoor recreation. Programs will be full-day, in-person, and planned and operated collaboratively by school principals and community-based organizations (CBOs). The environment will be safe and supportive with staff prepared to respond to children’s social and emotional needs. Breakfast, lunch, and snack will be served. 

Camp Jump In 

Please see attached flier for Camp Jump In with timeline and dates for registration. 


Free Trees

Free Trees – New York Restoration Project is giving away native trees to anyone willing to plant them within the five boroughs for free throughout April and May. While the trees are free, the choices vary among locations, and registration is required.


Windsor Terrace Library 

Please see attached fliers from the Windsor Terrace Public Library and their recurring events during the week.