“Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day and understand why attendance is so important for success in school and on the job.””
Attendance Procedures
If your child is officially absent from school, you will receive an email from BUGS that morning.
Taking students out of school during the school day is disruptive and strongly discouraged. We ask families to make doctor’s appointments outside of school hours when possible. When there is an appointment scheduled during the school day, the parent/guardian should plan to send their child in tardy or have them dismissed early depending on the appointment time.
If a student must leave school before the regular dismissal time, (2:40 pm Monday—Thursday, 3:03 pm on Fridays), the parent/guardian must complete the BUGS Early Student Dismissal Form (Link Here) by 9:00 am that day. Please be sure to fill out this form for any early student pick up. For student pick up —Please note that students will only be released into the care of an adult listed as a contact on Teacherease. You may update contact information prior to filling out the form.
To ensure students’ safety at all times during the school day, students will NOT be allowed to self-dismiss early, regardless of their grade level. Families should be prepared to have an adult who will be present for early pick-up. Please note that students will only be released into the care of an adult listed as an Emergency Contact on Teacherease. You may update contact information prior to filling out the form.
Early Dismissal Procedure:
The student reports to the Main Office at the time of early pick to retrieve their personal tech and sign out for the day.
Teachers Do Not dismiss students directly from the classroom.
The Parent/Guardian who is picking the student up must present their ID and sign in with BUGS Security in the Main Lobby.
The Security Guard in coordination with the Main Office ensures that the adult picking the student up has been cleared to do so and signs them out.
Attendance is a crucial part of academic and skills success at school--not only do students require instructional time in the classroom, attending school on time for a full day teaches them valuable life skills. There is no substitute for classroom instruction.
Frequent absences, tardiness, and early dismissal cause undue academic hardship on students because they have missed essential classroom instruction. Therefore, students who have missed more than 15 days of school for excused or unexcused absences or have been tardy and/or dismissed early more than 45 times will be considered promotion-in-doubt and may not be promoted to the next grade.
Patterns of missed school time, whether for absences, tardiness, or early dismissals will result in a meeting with school staff.
Additionally, the faculty and staff at BUGS are mandated reporters of educational neglect. Frequent absences, tardiness, and early dismissals may form the basis of a report of educational neglect. More than 7 consecutive absences, 10 cumulative absences, or a pattern of excessive tardiness and early dismissal may form the basis of an educational neglect report.
Parents should be aware that a good attendance record is extremely important, especially in 7th grade, as attendance could be used as a screen for the high school admission process. If a student has accumulated more than 10 combined absences and latenesses, it is very important that the student provide medical or other documentation so the school can record and code these absences/late arrivals appropriately. Excused and unexcused absences are perceived differently by the high school admissions departments.
Please refer to the BUGS Family Calendar and make note of field study dates before making appointments that require early dismissal or late arrival from school.
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ’s
Missed school time will be considered “excused” ONLY when official documentation is submitted to the Main Office to prove that the missed time was beyond the family’s control. Physical Documentation is preferred, however, families can scan and email documentation to attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org. Doctor’s notes, court documents, and death certificates are examples of such documentation. Reasons for excused absence include:
death in the family,
legal events,
religious observances,
8th graders visiting high schools
A doctor’s note is required for students who have been absent for three or more days due to illness.
As a reminder, Excused Absences are still counted as missed school days on your child’s attendance record.
What is an Excused Absence?
If your child is going to be absent for the day, due to illness or other reasons, please call the Main Office (718-280-9556 ext. 227) or email attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org. In the case of an extended absence, defined as three or more consecutive days, the Family Coordinator will alert the school counselor to communicate with the grade team and, if necessary, the Director of Inclusion to assist with any further accommodations.
Whom do I contact at school if my child will be absent?
If a student is absent for any reason, please call the school at (718) 280-9556 ext. 227 and speak to the Main Office or email attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org. The Main Office will make a note of it in your child’s record, even if the absence is considered unexcused.
To excuse an absence due to illness, court appearance, death in the family, or high school visits, a doctor’s note, court documentation, death certificate, or verification letter from the high school is required when your child returns to school. All documentation is handed into the Main Office, Room 227. Physical documentation is preferred, however, families can scan and email documentation to the Main Office at attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org.
Should my child return to school with a note if There has been an absence?
Will my child’s absences be excused due to family vacations?
When students miss school due to family vacations or other reasons that do not fit the categories for an excused absence, these absences are recorded as unexcused. Families are required to notify the main office at 718-280-9556 ext. 227 or attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org prior to leaving for vacation. It is highly encouraged for students to visit Google Classroom for each subject area to make up work while away. Students are responsible for checking in with teachers upon their return.
Every child is expected to arrive at school by 8:00 am. Any student arriving at school after 8:04 is considered tardy. We welcome all students to join us at 7:45 for breakfast and morning recess. Please note that tardies will only be excused for students who report to school late because of early morning appointments and present a Doctor’s note, a Court Order, or some other form of official documentation to the Main Office.
How does BUGS define lateness?
What happens if my child is excessively late?
If students develop a pattern of lateness, school counselors will do outreach as necessary. Students with egregious tardies will attend a family conference facilitated by a school counselor.
Being late can have a profound impact on how a child begins their school day and can affect their learning, achievement, and grades. Latenesses and absences on school records can potentially affect high school admissions, particularly for 7th grade.
Families can call the main office at (718) 280-9556 ext. 227 or email at attendance@bugsbrooklyn.org, if they would like to let the school know their child will be late. Please note that tardies will only be excused for students who report to school late because of early morning appointments and present a Doctor’s note, a Court Order, or some other form of official documentation to the Main Office. Students will be marked tardy and their official school attendance record will reflect an excused tardy for that day.