Dear BUGS Families,
We hope you are all having a wonderful summer. As we approach the beginning of the new school year, which is just 3 weeks away, we wanted to share some information to help start the year strong.
As a reminder the first day of school for NEW students is Monday, August 26th, 2019. The first day for returning students is Tuesday, August 27th, 2019. All students are expected to be present on the first day and week of school. Please notify the Main Office if for any reason your child/children will not be in attendance the first day/week of school at 718-280-9556. Be sure to refer to the 2019-2020 BUGS school year calendar for important dates. You can sync the Google Calendar version to your phone, by clicking the link and selecting the +GoogleCalendar button on the bottom right of the screen.
Read below for important announcements regarding school supply lists, summer reading assignments, uniforms and more!
What to expect week 1:
All students must be in uniform starting on the first day.
Students will have lunch daily at noon. Students who prefer to bring a packed lunch may do so.
During the first week of school (August 26th-August 30th) students will be dismissed early, at 1pm.
Students should bring all school supplies with them on the first day of school. They will work with their advisors to sort supplies.
Summer Reading Assignments For All Students: We are giving current and incoming BUGS students summer reading assignments to prevent the “summer slide” and ensure the students continue working toward their reading goals. Please see below for your child’s assignment.
Students must turn in their assignments to their advisors during the first week of school! Enjoy your summers of fun, exploration and imagination! Happy reading!
School Supply List: The supply lists are ready for the 2019-2020 school year. Students should bring supplies during the first week of school. Please find the complete supply list that include both English & Spanish, below:
Stock up on uniforms! The summer is a great time to order your uniforms for the upcoming school year. As a reminder, you must purchase uniforms directly through Land’s End School.
You can now order via the following options:
Online: Go to and create or sign in to your account. Include your student and school information in My Account (or find your School using the Preferred School Number Search: 900186842). Start shopping with your personalized product checklist.
Shop Now via the direct link:
Phone: Call 1-800-469-2222 and reference your student’s Preferred School Number 900186842, grade level and gender. Our team of consultants are available 24/7 for assistance.
School Meal Applications: There is an important task we ask all families to do as soon as possible - it will only take about 5 minutes.
Apply online at using any electronic device with an internet connection. Households need to complete only one application. All families must complete the application, even if you don’t think you qualify, or if your child doesn’t eat school meals, as it affects our funding. We are proud that each school day NYC Public School students are able to enjoy FREE breakfast and lunch.
Update your information on TeacherEase: We are already preparing for the 2019-20 school year. Please help us by telling us if your plans have changed and you won’t be returning to BUGS next year or if your contact information has changed. Just email to let us know any changes for the next school year. Thanks!
Student MetroCards: If the Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT) sends MetroCards in time, eligible students will receive a temporary MetroCard for the first week of school, which will expire on August 30th. Permanent MetroCards should be available on September 4th. In the event that either the temporary and/or permanent MetroCards do not arrive in time, please plan to provide your child with a MetroCard or mode of transportation to and from school. We will keep you updated with any changes.
Field Study Dues: This yearly payment of $50 covers field study trips and supplies for the entire school year. All families can pay online through the Fees section of TeacherEase, or send a check to Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (not BUGS).
New BUGS Students: Please submit all outstanding enrollment documents to us as soon as possible! If you aren’t sure what you still need to turn in, email