As leaders and mentors, our 8th graders are utilizing our Sustainability Competencies to address urbanization and climate change in school studies and projects. They are “future thinking” as they apply to (and prepare for) high school, take Regents exams, and develop future goals. 

Meet our teachers and explore the curriculum by viewing the class syllabi:

Reading: Ms. Breanne & Mr. Tim

Writing: Ms. Chough

Math: Ms. Leti, Ms. Bibi & Kahn

Social Studies: Ms. Julia & Ms. Devon

Science (Living Environment): Ms. Jen & Ms. Raven

Sustainability 301: Tap & Ms. Hanna

Art: Ms. John & Seven

Spanish: Srta. Rebeca & Mr. O.

Tech: Mr. Josh C. & Mr. Malcolm

CAPA (Creative & Performing Arts): Mr. Kid & Ms. Hanna