welcome to 7th Grade!
7th grade is the time for students to make real life connections between school habits and personal success with an emphasis on how academics, attendance, and grades will impact high school admissions. Students are empowered through the interdisciplinary grade level theme of watershed stewardship (including Trout in the Classroom and overnight at Frost Valley YMCA) to understand how their choices and understanding can contribute to healthier waterways in New York City.
Meet BUGS teachers and explore the curriculum by viewing the syllabi below:
Reading: Dyllan Moran and Alyssa Newman
Writing: Ms. Betsy & Ms. Alana
Math: Ms. Carol Appah & Mx. G. Basso (Ms.B/Mr.B with students)
Social Studies: Ms. Jessica
Science: Zack Eitan & Aidan Biglow
Sustainable Design: Tap Peters (Tap) & Hanna Jane Guendel (Hanna Jane)
Technology: Mr. Josh C. & James
Health: Mr. Josh & James
Physical Education: Mr. Josh & James