Since last spring the BUGS community has demonstrated that even though we are apart, we are able to use our innovation, strength, and resilience for the health, growth, and well-being of our students.
The BUGS team initially spent many weeks and months researching, studying, and talking with advisory groups, health experts, and our community members to design a Re-Entry Plan that is aligned with our priority of the health and safety of our students, teachers, and families, and provides equity and excellence in a nurturing, engaging, and sustainability-focused learning model whether it is in school or at home. We then lived and adjusted this plan through our remote learning program, in-person field studies, and onsite one on one interventions.
We also developed criteria for hybrid launch that meets our priority to keep our students and staff safe. We are excited to announce that we have met our criteria for a safe return to the school building during the week of April 12 for hybrid students. More information about our hybrid launch criteria is available by clicking here to see the recording of the March 10 presentation to families and here to see the the hybrid launch criteria slides.
BUGS COVID Testing Program Update
Our weekly COVID testing program pilot is now ready for implementation for onsite learning. After April 12, when we move to hybrid learning onsite, we will continue weekly testing of all onsite staff and students using pooled surveillance testing program PCR testwith Mirimus Labs. However, we will change how samples are collected. Moving forward during hybrid, we will send sample kits home on Thursday (A group) and Friday (B group), and will expect samples to be returned on Tuesday (A group) and Wednesday (B group). During NYS exams the schedule will be different. See the April Testing Collection and Distribution schedule here, Click here to see the email to families from 4/10 which details the BUGS COVID Testing Program.
Important Reminders for Families
All BUGS onsite staff and families will be asked to give consent to participation in the testing program. Click here to complete the form and give consent for testing.
Important Note: Students and staff who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 90 days should NOT be tested and should not submit a saliva sample. Please indicate this when you complete the Testing consent form. Lingering (non contagious) virus could still be in the person’s airways that could cause a “false positive.”
Our many thanks to our families, teachers, board, students, partners, and the BUGS Re-Entry Task Force for helping and guiding us this school year.
phase 1: Remote Start
(Remote learning first semester)
School began on August 31 for new 6th grade students and September 1 for returning students.
phase 2: Partial Re-entry for Some
(Hybrid Start date week of April 12)
Stage 3: Full Re-Entry
(All students return to school as normal)
We do not anticipate reaching Stage 3 until the pandemic has subsided.
More information to come later this school year.
Phase 2 Information and schedule
Click here for information about
Phase 1 Return to School First Semester 2020-2021 School Year
After making the very difficult decision on February 3rd to postpone the hybrid onsite program, we are excited to announce that we have met our hybrid launch criteria for a safe return to the school building for the week of April 12. More information is included in this slide deck about returning to school and health and safety procedures.
Key Messages:
The BUGS leadership team provided a virtual “Family Info Session: 2021-22 School Year Updates” on June 8 to share plans for the upcoming school year. Click this link to view a recording of the presentation and click here to view the slides.
BUGS submitted a Re-Entry Plan to New York State (see link here and below) with our priority being the safety of our students, staff, and families. It was created and updated based on research and recommendations from health officials and education agencies, and evolving realities of our school and community. It is a “living document,” subject to change based on refinements in our program and evolving guidelines.
BUGS launched hybrid learning the week of April 12 after achieving key mitigation procedures and protocols to provide a safe environment for our students and staff. Click here for more information.
All students and staff entering the school building will be required to submit and show a completed health screening form. Click here to access the form.
As we all must watch out for each other’s health, families who select the hybrid option will be expected to check in with NY State travel advisories for the latest information and follow current best practices as outlined by the CDC and DOHMH, and follow the procedures outlined in BUGS Re-Entry Plan, and as always, the Family Handbook.
If your child tests positive for COVID-19 or has COVID symptoms please contact BUGS COVID safety officer Cay Tolson at Please also contact Cay if you need additional information about BUGS COVID policies.
Important Dates
June 8: “Family Info Session: 2021-22 School Year Updates.” Click the link for the recording of the session and view the slides by clicking here.
Week of April 12: Launch of hybrid learning
Week of March 22: Field Studies and launch of COVID Testing Pilot
March 5 and March 10: Family presentation about the Hybrid Launch Criteria and In-Person Learning slide deck here and click here to see the recording.
February 11: PTA Town Hall with BUGS Leadership Team
February 12: Lunar New Year (no school)
February 15-19: No School (Winter Break)
February 22: Remote learning classes resume
Re-Entry family information sessions
HYBRID LAUNCH criteria and in person learning updates
BUGS families joined the leadership team on March 10 for a presentation about the hybrid launch criteria and in-person learning updates.
On January 14, 2021, BUGS leaders provided an overview of schedule, curriculum, and teacher and learning shifts for Semester 2, as well as health and safety procedures for launch of hybrid model and onsite classes.
Session Presentation and Recording in Spanish to come
Families can also prepare for Semester 2 and the launch of hybrid learning by reviewing the BUGS Hybrid Family Overview slides. The presentation contains videos about the procedures and protocols in place to keep our students safe.
Family Appy Hour
Learn more about the apps we use at BUGS, how and why we use them, and how to support your child.
Remote Learning 101
This session on September 2, hosted by the BUGS Leadership Team, shared specifics on how classes are structured, the use of small group instruction, co-teaching models, and the reasoning behind our Remote Learning structures.
what to expect for the bugs remote and hybrid program
We appreciate our families for attending the informal question and answer session about the Remote and Hybrid program and implementation on August 21 at noon. (All information is subject to change.)
BUGS Community Virtual Town Hall
Thank you to our families for attending the BUGS Virtual Town Hall and PTA Meeting on August 11 at 6 p.m. to discuss our Re-Entry Plan and new PTA programs. (All information is subject to change.)
Teaching and Learning
Remote Learning Plan
Guided by our mission, and leaning into our start-up roots, BUGS has designed a Re-Entry Plan that attempts to provide a nurturing, rigorous, and engaging learning experience grounded in our sustainability competencies and CARES values while prioritizing equity and the wellness and safety of our students, families, teachers, and community.
Student Orientation August 31 - September 4
Our Student Orientation supports students to acclimate to the new school or grade expectations, address the effects of COVID-19 in a safe space, bond with classmates, build relationships with teachers, and develop collaborative skills.
Advisories by cohorts groups (A and B Groups)
Focus on social and emotional learning (SEL)
Counseling and discussions related to COVID 19 trauma
Relationship Building
Routines and Procedures (Schoolwide)
House System introduction (House activities on asynchronous days)
BUGS C.A.R.E.S values (Community, Awareness, Reach, Exploration, and Student Voice)
Training on safety in the building for students and families
3 days of remote synchronous orientation for new 6th and 7th Graders (total of 5 days)
2 days of partial asynchronous orientation for 6th Graders
2 days of remote synchronous orientation for returning 7th and 8th Graders (total of 4 days)
2 days of asynchronous orientation for returning 7th and 8th Graders
Launch of Academic Program (September 9)
In order to maintain consistency, schedules for remote learning will be the same as when we launch the hybrid model, although without reporting to the building.
Students will meet in their larger cohorts (601, 701, etc.) with both co-teachers during remote learning and split into smaller groups (601 A, 601 B, etc.) for the hybrid model.
Project Based Learning (PBL) requires a “project launch” during the first few weeks of a semester. This looks like multi-disciplinary introductions to the grade level or project topic and (usually) an assembly or event to hype the project. This can be done in either a hybrid, remote, or “normal” school program.
Return to School: Phase 2 - Hybrid/Remote Learning Only (week of April 12, 2021)
In the event that BUGS transitions to a blended instructional model, it is a priority that we ensure the health and safety of the community and maintain the 6ft social-distancing requirements for the 2020-21 re-entry. The academic priority for onsite and remote learning is to provide engagement in the core subject areas, project-based experiences, as well as Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Special Education support for students. BUGS will be following guidelines for social distancing of spacing students 6 feet apart in each classroom (with exceptions such as 12 feet apart for physical education).
During the week of April 12, BUGS had achieved the health and safety criteria of our mitigation strategy to safely launch our onsite hybrid model.
View the Phase 2 Schedule Overview.
Based on stakeholder feedback, the chosen hybrid option allows students to attend classes onsite for at least two school days each week, for consistent days from week to week.
Priorities for Scheduling:
Core subject minutes
SEL embedded into ALL class lessons
Adolescent needs
Health & safety routines/extended time for entry/exit transitions built into timing
Innovative Mission Solutions such as designated Field Study Days (outdoor time, offsite is not necessarily tech-facing, Project Based Learning (PBL)/Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR)/Student Voice etc.)
Cohort groups (pre-assign groups) that contain the same students, to the extent practicable, to limit potential exposure to the COVID-19 virus and prevent the intermingling across cohort groups. Staff contact with students and other staff will also be limited to the extent practicable.
Consistency for families and staff, where possible
Other schedule consideration:
Easily adaptable to a return to remote learning
Minimize screen time for core subject areas during hybrid
Embeds transition time for arrival and breakfast
For sample schedules, see our Re-Entry Plan.
Our guiding principles are grounded in a commitment to equity and that every student deserves access to world-class teaching and to learning environments that promote joyful inquiry, intellectual rigor, and reflection.
Equity is embedded in our remote learning plan through:
BUGS has purchased 200 additional Chromebooks for distribution and assignment to each student for a 1:1 student Chromebook Assignment Plan. If the student is attending school onsite, they will be expected to transport their Chromebook to/from school to follow lessons and complete onsite and remote assignments. All students having the same device model promotes equity and Chromebooks allow for easy cloud-based push out of software. One device per child reduces chances of contamination with sharing devices.
BUGS is also surveying families and staff to determine their level of internet access and will work with to make sure everyone has sufficient access.
Services to Support Students
BUGS teachers and faculty will provide trauma-informed strategies and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) tools to support the social-emotional needs of students through all class lessons, advisory, Quiet Time, and counseling. Additional training is provided to staff to provide culturally-sensitive and anti-bias instruction.
Our remote learning model builds on opportunities for students to connect with friends and teachers at virtual lunch tables, school celebrations, and through our House System.
Lessons focus on relevance to students’ lives and current experiences, and consider a range of access points to material and culturally sensitive “responsive classroom” approaches.
Leveraging lessons learned from the spring, BUGS built in additional grade team meeting time to look at grade-wide workload for students (“virtual backpacks”), and allow teachers to work together to make sure children are showing up, engaged, and receiving the attention and services they need to succeed. They also identify students who may be falling through cracks and coordinate responses to students and communication with their families.
Services to Support Families
Our team is designing strategies and resources that will make sure families are confident with our online learning systems so they can support their students with school work and the challenges of learning from home
Our PTA is in close contact with families and is committed to providing information about support services and fundraising to subsidize supplies as needed. They have also hosted a range of in person outdoor events at various neighborhoods, including garden service learning events and picnics.
In addition to our Re-entry Task Force, BUGS launched a Family Engagement Task Force to build stronger relationships with all our families, design programs to show they are appreciated, and provides opportunities for families to know that their voices matter.
One on one calls from staff members to families will continue to make sure no families are falling through the cracks.
Health and Safety Plan
BUGS has taken into consideration the following guidelines and recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Department of Health (DOHMH), and NYSED when reopening the school.
As BUGS shifts to onsite learning, each staff, student, and visitor that enters the school building agrees to review and abide by the following practices:
Social Distancing - All must practice and allow safe minimum 6’ physical distance, where practicable.
Face Masks - All must wear a face covering or mask while in the building.
Hand Hygiene - All must adhere to proper hand washing practices and use of hand sanitizer.
Cleaning/Disinfecting - All must follow and practice cleaning and sanitizing protocols.
Health Screening/Temperature Checks - All may be subject to random temperature checks and must complete the Health Screening Form.
If you are reporting a positive COVID case, or have COVID related safety questions, contact our COVID safety officer at
Additional health and safety protocols and strategies are outlined in the School Re-Entry Plan here.
The School re-entry plan
The BUGS Re-Entry Plan was submitted to the New York State Education Department and the Department of Health, detailing our re-entry plan for the 2020-21 school year. This plan may be updated as needed.
For More Information
General & Instructional questions: email
Tech support: email
BUGS COVID policies: email COVID-19 Safety Officer