
Come grow with us


math is a language, algebra is an artform

We’re looking to do things a bit differently here. Math shouldn’t be all about memorizing (although sometimes you need to). Instead, we are looking for teachers who build math classrooms that are playful, creative, and absorbing. Students should see the infinite beauty of math describing our universe and find creativity in solving an equation. Math should be magical.

If you are interesting in joining the team, read below carefully. We want you to know who we are as you make a big decision.

The math teacher experience


we will support you

No one found greatness without a coach. You will receive 1-on-1 weekly support from a dedicated coach with a background in math and special education. No matter your experience, we will support your growth edge.

Be prepared to grow, with us.


Be ready (and love) to collaborate

All of our classes are ICT (Integrated Co-Teaching), which means there’s no lonely “sage on a stage.” We provide many meeting times throughout the week to innovate with your co-teacher, your grade level, your department and more. If the idea of working closely with others doesn’t fill you with excitement, we might not be the best fit for your talents (seriously).


the curriculum is… just that

You bring joy and wonder, we’ll bring the problem set. We don’t script lessons for you, but we do expect you to sweat the details. We expect teachers to bring joy and wonder in their classroom through integrated tech, project-based learning, and your personality. We base much of what we do on Math In Focus, but are also currently building our own curriculum. Great BUGS teachers are ready to add to our knowledge and continue to iterate on what we have.

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contribute to school culture

In addition to teaching, you’ll have an advisory, 2 silent meditation groups, and perhaps one of a variety of Culture Posts such as lunch duty, dismissal, or office hours.

Teachers also contribute to student life by hosting family events, sponsoring clubs, working in our after-school program, planning assemblies, and much more.


you’ll open your classroom

Expect visitors. Each class is required to host “open classrooms” twice a year, where families will learn alongside their children. Our gradebooks are open and available online to families, anytime and anywhere. Expect frequent pop-in visits from the Director of Math, the Principal, or other teachers. We’re looking for you to share your practice with so many people (besides your students)!

working with our students


Kids are more than their behavior

We believe in digging into the “why” behind behavior. We believe students should have strong and consistent Tier 1 structures (routines, rituals, and procedures) in their classrooms. We provide restorative interventions AFTER these structures are in place.

We are in the business of relationships. The teacher/student relationship is the most essential component.


We’re not “No Excuses” or Montessori

We are building something in between. We, like many other independent charters, are striving to combine the best of both worlds. We believe in Strong Starts, Do Nows, Double Planning and more. We also believe that compliance is not the end goal. Middle schoolers will make mistakes, should have some say over their school experience, and it is up to teachers to teach essential academic skills such as organization, note-taking, and more.


Special Education is Inclusion

We have an open lottery; we serve any student that wins a spot at our school. We have a wide range of student abilities and are committed to supporting our students within a classroom setting. All of our classes are ICT with two teachers in the classroom. We expect all teachers to write their lessons with diverse learners in mind, with solid modifications, supports, and accommodations. In a math classroom, this means a strong plan to provide vocabulary supports, teaching students to maintain and use a math notebook, providing a variety of problem sets of various levels, and breaking down concepts into specific “Steps to Success.”

our math philosophy

Math has a PR Problem

Seriously. Far too often people decide they either are a “math person” or not. We don’t really say that about reading, writing, science, or history. Math is said to be something to be feared and loathed (especially fractions). “How will we ever use this in the real world” is asking about the wrong thing. It is likely you’ve never used a two-step equation to deposit a check. Instead it’s the habits of the mind math imparts: working within existing laws to generate an outcome, retracing steps to identify a problem and fix it, and building the grit to keep trying. This is the classroom we are building - it’s about the lifetime skills math teaches more than the specific topics (although we must teach those as well).

Next generation standards

Starting in the Fall of 2021 we will transition from the Common Core Standards to the NYS Next Generation Standards. We use these standards in each lesson to point us in the right direction. All lessons are expected to start with these standards and then break them down to be accessible to our students. We are looking for teachers who are building innovative classrooms grounded in consistent use of these standards and best practices.

NYS recently changed the dates for transitioning to NGS due to COVID-19. We anticipate the switch for the 2021-2022 school year and will continue to use Common Core Math Standards until that switch.


INtegrating sustainabilty

In math class, sustainability is often found in projects, the word problems students grapple with, and incorporating the 5 Integrated Sustainability Standards. We believe that we can improve on this integration (and student outcomes) by focusing on the math practices themselves. When we look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning, we are seeking patterns and making predictions, an essential skill when grappling with the complexities of global climate systems. We are looking for creative teachers who are excited to iterate on how we frame middle school math through a sustainability lens.


Great lessons start with great routines

Be prepared to have a routine for everything. Middle school brains thrive on it. Classrooms should be predictable in structure and variable in content. A teacher must be preventative with behavior, and that starts with solid routines. If you don’t have a calm and productive classroom, no learning will happen. Be prepared to spend the first few weeks teaching routines and again after each break. Don’t be surprised if you’re still teaching them in March (middle school brain). Some will be school wide, some grade level wide, some department wide, and some unique to your classroom. Clearly scripted, taught, and supported routines are a required part of your practice.

bugs math at a glance

Think you’ll be a good fit? Check out our open positions here.

Be prepared to demo your skills with current BUGS students and provide a number of documents supporting your practice.