Summer Reading Assignments (All Grades)!

Hello BUGS Families,

We are giving current and incoming BUGS students summer reading assignments to prevent the “summer slide” and ensure the students continue working toward their reading goals. Please see below for your child’s assignment.

Students must turn in their assignments to their advisors during the first week of school! Enjoy your summers of fun, exploration and imagination! Happy reading!

BUGS Students Launch School’s First Community Market and Farm Stand

Fruits, vegetables, and crafts available on Fridays in June (6/7, 6/14/, 6/21)
served with messages about environmental sustainability and food justice

Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (BUGS) students are presenting a Farm Stand and Community Market this June to increase community awareness about social, economic, and environmental sustainability and food justice, as well as encourage more environmentally friendly actions and behavior. Farm-fresh produce, crafts, and baked goods are available at the Market on Friday, June 7, 14, and 21st from 8:30 to 3:30pm, Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School, 500 19th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215.

“Our BUGS students are so excited about their farm stand project and the real connections and contributions they are making to the community.  Our soft launch this past Friday was a real hit with students and customers alike. It’s a classic BUGS project because it is student-centered and highly interdisciplinary. Curriculum in all BUGS classes wrap around related themes and real-world skills. BUGS students designed and launched this market kale-soup-to-nuts, taking real-world risks and sharing BUGS Bounty! Not only did our 6th graders learn so much, but they are also themselves educating and inspiring our community in and outside our school building to consider how we can all contribute to a more socially just and sustainable world. ” said Susan Tenner, Executive Director, Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School.

The Community Market and Farm Stand is the capstone of the 6th grade spring semester interdisciplinary sustainability project. In science class students studied seed dissection and germination,  planted seeds, and created flats and containers for plants. In math class, they worked on a business plan for the market – looking at costs of goods, revenue, and expenses. In reading and writing classes, they designed ‘zines that can be sold at the market and in social studies they studied the Silk Road, researched teas and spices, and created products they could sell at the market. Students also engaged in related community service projects such as finding new uses for unwanted books, sharing with Pre-K students their original writings about the market and the impact of herbs and spices on different cultures, and created functional art projects for the market made out of recycled goods.

We would like to thank our Farm Stand and Community Market program partners including Whole Kids Foundation, IOBY, IDBBank, Slow Food, Grow NYC, Citizens Committee for New York City, and the support of our many friends and families.

8th Grade End of Year Activities

April 2019

Dear 8th Grade Parents and Families:

As we look forward to warmer weather,  I am sure that you and your child are excited to look forward to the end of the school year, when your child is expected to graduate from Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School!   We here at BUGS are already planning many exciting events for our third 8th-grade graduation. We ask that each family pay dues of $100 for their 8th grader to support all of the things we are doing to create a lovely end of the year experience. Your $100 dues payment helps to cover the following items:

  • Graduation Ceremony  - Thursday, June 27, 10 a.m. in the auditorium.  Tickets are not required for entrance to the ceremony.

    • Flowers, programs, invitations, etc for graduation

    • Diplomas, Graduation Awards, medals, and plaques

    • Gown Rental (Students must return at the end of the ceremony)

  • Cap and Tassel with 2019 Charm (Students may keep)

  • A copy of the BUGS yearbook

  • An 8th Grade Class tee shirt specially made for the Class of 2019

  • Framed Keepsake from the School

The 8th Grade Dance and Trip will be separate fees should your child choose to participate.  

8th Grade Trip to Great Adventure NJ- $40

8th Grade Dance June 21st 6-9pm- Gennaro's Catering Hall 6602 13th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11219 $60

Please note that the class trip and the dance are contingent upon positive behavior and citizenship throughout the year. If your child is not able to attend for any reason, unfortunately, we are not able to offer refunds on payments.  

We would greatly appreciate payment for the dues as soon as possible. You may send payment to the school in cash or check, made out to Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (not BUGS), and we can also accept credit card payments online at  Please consider supporting another BUGS family by paying an added amount, as these dues do not fully cover our costs.  If you have any technical questions about dues or payment, please contact our Operations Manager, Cay Tolson at  or 718.280.9556 ext. 506. For all other inquiries please contact Dean Lucie.

 If you have any questions about graduation, please feel free to reach out to me at  Please know that, as always, academic excellence and engagement remain our first concern at BUGS.  We expect all of our 8th-grade students to maintain their academic focus until the last day of school.  I, along with all of the BUGS faculty and staff, will be focused on providing your child with an outstanding education through the end of June, so that they are prepared both for their end of year Regents exams and for the rigors of high school.



Lucie Davis

Dean Of Student Affairs

Annual Open Safety Meeting

March 12th, 2019

Dear BUGS Families,

On March 19th at 1:30 p.m., BUGS, MS 442, District 15 PreK and Lamm will hold our annual Open Safety Committee meeting. All parents/guardians are invited to attend. This is an opportunity to discuss initiatives already in place and to become aware of our coordinated efforts to maintain a safe school environment. The Borough Safety Director, School Safety Direct Supervisor, 72nd Precinct Community Affairs officers and all members of the building safety committee have been invited to this meeting.

All questions/concerns are welcome at this meeting. Questions/concerns must be submitted to Ms. Contrino ( by March 18th so we may provide the most thorough responses to your inquiries. You can email your questions/concerns by no later than Monday, March 18, 2019.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, March 19 at 1:30 p.m. in the auditorium.


Sr. Josh Altamirano

Parent Coordinator

12 marzo de 2019

El 19 de marzo a las 1:30 p.m., BUGS, MS 442, el PreK del Distrito 15 y Lamm tendrá nuestra reunión anual del Comité de seguridad. Todos los padres/guardianes están invitados a asistir. Esta es una oportunidad para discutir las iniciativas ya existentes y para ser conscientes de nuestros esfuerzos coordinados para mantener un ambiente escolar seguro. El director de seguridad de la ciudad, supervisor directo de seguridad escolar, oficiales de asuntos comunitarios del precinto 72 y todos los miembros del comité de seguridad del edificio han sido invitados a esta reunión.

Todas las preguntas/preocupaciones son bienvenidas en esta reunión. Las preguntas/inquietudes deben presentarse a la Sra. Contrino ( antes del 18 de marzo, de modo que podamos proporcionar la más completa las respuestas a sus preguntas. Usted puede enviar por correo electrónico o simplemente escribir sus preguntas/inquietudes en la parte inferior de este formulario y regresar a la escuela a más tardar el lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019.

Esperamos verlos el martes 19 de marzo a las 1:30 p.m. en el auditorio.


Sr. Josh Altamirano

Coordinador de Padres